PUBLICATION N° 05 BR / 2023 du 24 Juillet 2023
BOPI 05 BR/2023 GENERALITES 1 SOMMAIRE TITRES PAGES PREMIERE PARTIE : GENERALITES 2 Extrait de la norme ST3 de l’OMPI utilisée pour la représentation des pays et organisations internationales 3 Extrait de la norme ST9 de l’OMPI utilisée en matière de documentation des Brevets d’Invention et des Modèles d’Utilité 6 Codes utilisés en matière d’inscriptions dans les registres spéciaux des Brevets d’Invention et des Modèles d’Utilité 6 Clarification du règlement relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui 7 Adresses utiles 8 DEUXIEME PARTIE : BREVETS D’INVENTION 9 A - Repertoire numérique du N° 20931 au N° 20980 10 B - Repertoire suivant la C.I.B 47 C - Repertoire des noms 49
BOPI 05 BR/2023 GENERALITES 3 Extrait de la norme ST.3 de l’OMPI Code normalisé à deux lettres recommandé pour la représentationdes pays ainsi que d’autres entités et des organisations internationales délivrant ou enregistrant des titres de propriété industrielle. Afghanistan AF Cook, Îles CK Afrique du Sud ZA Corée (République de Corée) KR Albanie AL Corée (Rép. Populaire de Corée) KP Algérie DZ Costa Rica CR Allemagne DE Côte d’Ivoire* CI Andorre AD Croatie HR Angola AO Cuba CU Anguilla AI Danemark DK Antigua-et-Barbuda AG Djibouti DJ Antilles Néerlandaises AN Dominicaine, République DO Arabie Saoudite SA Dominique DM Argentine AR Egypte EG Arménie AM El Salvador SV Aruba AW Emirats Arabes Unis AE Australie AU Equateur EC Autriche AT Erythrée ER Azerbaïdjan AZ Espagne ES Bahamas BS Estonie EE Bahreïn BH Etats-Unis d’Amérique US Bangladesh BD Ethiopie ET Barbade BB Ex Rep. Yougoslavie de Macedoine MK Bélarus BY Falkland, Îles (Malvinas) FK Belgique BE Fédération de Russie RU Belize BZ Fidji FJ Bénin* BJ Féroé, Îles FO Bermudes BM Finlande FI Bhoutan BT France FR Bolivie BO Gabon* GA Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba BQ Gambie GM Bosnie-Herzégovine BA Géorgie GE Botswana BW Géorgie du Sud et les Îles Sandwich du Sud GS Bouvet, Île BV Ghana GH Brésil BR Gibraltar GI Brunéi Darussalam BN Grèce GR Bulgarie BG Grenade GD Burkina Faso* BF Groenland GL Burundi BI Guatemala GT Caïmanes, Îles KY Guernesey GG Cambodge KH Guinée* GN Cameroun* CM Guinée-Bissau* GW Canada CA Guinée Equatoriale* GQ Cap-Vert CV Guyana GY Centrafricaine, République* CF Haïti HT
BOPI 05 BR/2023 GENERALITES 4 Chili CL Honduras HN Chine CN Hong Kong HK Chypre CY Hongrie HU Colombie CO Île de Man IM Comores* KM Îles Vierges (Britanniques) VG Congo* CG Inde IN Congo (Rép. Démocratique) CD Indonésie ID Iran (République Islamique d’) IR Norvège NO Iraq IQ Nouvelle-Zélande NZ Irlande IE Oman OM Islande IS Ouganda UG Israël IL Ouzbékistan UZ Italie IT Pakistan PK Jamaïque JM Palaos PW Japon JP Panama PA Jersey JE Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée PG Jordanie JO Paraguay PY Kazakhstan KZ Pays-Bas NL Kenya KE Pérou PE Kirghizistan KG Philippines PH Kiribati KI Pologne PL Koweït KW Portugal PT Laos LA Qatar QA Lesotho LS Région admin. Spéciale de Hong Kong (Rep. Populaire de Chine) HK Lettonie LV Roumanie RO Liban LB Royaume Uni (Grande Bretagne) GB Libéria LR Rwanda RW Libye LY Sahara Occidental EH Liechtenstein LI Sainte-Hélène SH Lituanie LT Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis KN Luxembourg LU Sainte-Lucie LC Macao MO Saint-Marin SM Macédoine MK Saint-Marin (Partie Néerlandaise) SX Madagascar MG Saint-Siège (Vatican) VA Malaisie MY Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines (a,b) VC Malawi MW Salomon, Îles SB Maldives MV Samoa WS Mali* ML SaoTomé-et-Principe ST Malte MT Sénégal* SN Mariannes du Nord, Îles MP Serbie RS Maroc MA Seychelles SC Maurice MU Sierra Leone SL Mauritanie* MR Singapour SG Mexique MX Slovaquie SK Moldova MD Slovénie SI Monaco MC Somalie SO
BOPI 05 BR/2023 GENERALITES 5 Mongolie MN Soudan SD Monténégro ME Sri Lanka LK Montserrat MS Suède SE Mozambique MZ Suisse CH Myanmar (Birmanie) MM Suriname SR Namibie NA Swaziland SZ Nauru NR Syrie SY Népal NP Tadjikistan TJ Nicaragua NI Taïwan, Province de Chine TW Niger* NE Tanzanie (Rép.-Unie) TZ Nigéria NG Tchad* TD Thaïlande TH Tchèque, République CZ Timor Oriental TP Ukraine UA Togo* TG Uruguay UY Tonga TO Vanuata VU Trinité-et-Tobago TT Venezuela VE Tunisie TN Viet Nam VN Turkménistan TM Yémen YE Turks et Caïques, Îles TC Yougoslavie YU Turquie TR Zambie ZM Tuvalu TV Zimbabwe ZW ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONALES DELIVRANT OU ENREGISTRANT DES TITRES DE PROPRIETE INDUSTRIELLE Bureau Benelux des marques et des dessins et modèles industriels BX Office Communautaire des variétés végétales (Communauté Européenne (OCVV) QZ Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (Marque, dessins et modèles) EM Office des Brevets du conseil de Coopération des Etats du Golf (CCG) GC Office Européen des Brevets (OEB) EP Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OMPI) WO Bureau International de l'OMPI IB Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) OA Organisation Eurasienne des Brevets (OEAB) EA Organisation Régionale Africaine de la Propriété Industrielle (ARIPO) AP *Etats membres de l’OAPI
BOPI 05 BR/2023 GENERALITES 6 CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE DE DOCUMENTATION DES BREVETS D’INVENTION ET DES MODELES D’UTILITE (11) Numéro de publication. (12) Désignation du type de document. (19) Identification de l’office qui publie le document. (21) Numéro d’enregistrement ou de dépôt. (22) Date de dépôt. (24) Date de délivrance. (30) Pays dans lequel (lesquels) la(les) demande(s) de priorité a (ont) été déposée(s). Date(s) de dépôt de la (des) demande(s) de priorité. (le cas échéant) Numéro(s) attribué(s) à la (aux) demande(s) de priorité. (51) Classification internationale des brevets(CIB). (54) Titre de l’invention. (57) Abrégé. (60) Références à d’autres documents apparentés (le cas échéant). (71) Nom(s) du ou des demandeur(s). (72) Nom de l’inventeur (le cas échéant) suivi éventuellement du nom de la société d’appartenance. (73) Nom(s) du ou des titulaire(s) le cas échéant. (Ce code n’apparaît que sur la première page du brevet délivré) (74) Nom du mandataire en territoire OAPI (le cas échéant). CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE D’INSCRIPTIONS DANS LE REGISTRE SPECIAL DES BREVETS D’INVENTION ET DES MODELES D’UTILITE (1) Numéro de délivrance (2) Numéro de dépôt (3) Numéro et date de la demande d’inscription (4) Nature de l’inscription (5) Numéro et date de l’inscription (10) Cédant (11) Cessionnaire (12) Apporteur (13) Bénéficiaire (14) Dénomination avant (15) Dénomination après (16) Concédant (17) Titulaire (18) Ancienne adresse (19) Nouvelle adresse (20) Constituant du nantissement (21) Créancier nanti
BOPI 05 BR/2023 GENERALITES 7 CLARIFICATION DU REGLEMENT RELATIF A L’EXTENSION DES DROITS SUITE A UNE NOUVELLE ADHESION A L’ACCORD DE BANGUI RESOLUTION N°47/32 LE CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION DE L’ORGANISATION AFRICAINE DE LAPROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Vu L’accord portant révision de l’accord de Bangui du 02 Mars 1977 instituant une Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle et ses annexes ; Vu Les dispositions des articles 18 et 19 dudit Accord relatives Aux attributions et pouvoirs du Conseil d’Administration ; ADOPTE la clarification du règlement du 04 décembre 1988 relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui ci-après : Article 1er : Le Règlement du 04 décembre 1988 relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui est réaménagé ainsi qu’il suit : «Article 5 (nouveau) : Les titulaires des titres en vigueur à l’Organisation avant la production des effets de l’adhésion d’un Etat à l’accord de Bangui ou ceux dont la demande a été déposée avant cette date et qui voudront étendre la protection dans ces Etats doivent formuler une demande d’extension à cet effet auprès de l’Organisation suivant les modalités fixées aux articles 6 à 18 ci-dessous. Le renouvellement de la protection des titres qui n’ont pas fait l’objet d’extension avant l’échéance dudit renouvellement entraine une extension automatique des effets de la protection à l’ensemble du territoire OAPI». Le reste sans changement. Article 2 : La présente clarification, qui entre en vigueur à compter du 1 er janvier 2008, s’applique aussi aux demandes d’extension en instance et sera publiée au Bulletin Officiel de l’Organisation. Fait à Bangui le 17 décembre 2007
BENIN - Cotonou Agence Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle (ANAPI) 01 B.P. 363 Cotonou 01 Tel.: (229) 21 31 02 40 Fax.: (229) 21 30 30 24 (Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et des PME) BURKINA FASO - Ouagadougou Centre National de la Propriété Industrielle (CNPI) 04 B.P. 382 Ouagadougou 04 Tel. : (226) 50 30 09 41/25 31 03 11 Fax.: (226) 50 33 05 63 (Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et de l’Artisanat) CAMEROUN - Yaoundé Direction du Développement Technologique et de la Propriété Industrielle B.P.: 1652 Yaoundé Tel.: (237) 222 20 37 78 Fax.: (237) 222 20 37 38 (Ministère des Mines, de l’Industrie et du Développement Technologique) CENTRAFRIQUE - Bangui Direction de la Propriété Industrielle Avenue B. BOGANDA B.P. : 1988 Bangui Tel. : (236) 21 61 17 44 Fax.: (236) 21 61 76 53 (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) CONGO - Brazzaville Direction de l’antenne Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle (DANPI) B.P. 72 Brazzaville Tel (242) 581 56 57/581 54 80 Fax : (242) 22 81 32 12 (Ministère du Développement Industriel et de la Promotion du Secteur Privé) COMORES - Moroni Office comorien de la propriété intellectuelle B.P. 41 Moroni Tél : (269) 33 10 703 Fax : (269) 775 00 03/33 35 360 (Ministère de la production, de l’environnement, de l’énergie, de l’industrie et de l’artisanat) COTE D’IVOIRE - Abidjan Office Ivoirien de la Propriété Industrielle (OIPI) 01 B.P. 2337 Abidjan Tel. : (225) 22 41 16 65 Fax: (225) 22 41 11 81 (Ministère de l’Industrie) GABON - Libreville Office Gabonais de la Propriété Industrielle (OGAPI) B.P. 1025 Libreville Tel. : (241) 01 74 59 24/04 13 71 88 Fax. : (241) 01 76 30 55 (Ministère de l’Industrie et des Mines) GUINEE - Conakry Service National de la Propriété Industrielle et de l’Innovation Technologique 01 B.P. 363 Cotonou - BENIN Tel.: (229) 21 31 02 15/21 32 11 51/21 31 46 08 Fax : (229) 21 31 46 08 (Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et des PME) GUINEE BISSAU - Bissau Direction Générale de la Propriété Industrielle B.P. 269 Bissau Tél : (245) 322 22 75 Fax : (245) 322 34 64 15 (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et de la Promotion des Produits locaux) GUINEE EQUATORIALE - Malabo Direction Générale de la Propriété Intellectuelle B.P. 528 Malabo Tel. : (240) 333 09 15 39 Fax : (240) 333 09 33 13/222 24 43 89 (Consejo de Investigacones Cientificas y Tecnologicas-CICTE) MALI - Bamako Centre Malien de Promotion de la Propriété Industrielle (CEMAPI) B.P. 1541 Bamako Tel. : (223) 20 28 90 91 Fax: (223) 20 29 90 91 (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) MAURITANIE - Nouakchott Direction du développement Industriel B.P. 387 Nouakchott Tel. : (222) 22 31 21 48/42 43 42 91 Fax: (222) 525 72 66 (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie, de l’Artisanat et du Tourisme) NIGER - Niamey Agence Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Promotion de l’Innovation (ANA2PI) B.P. 11700 Niamey Tel. : (227) 20 75 20 53 Fax. : (227) 20 73 21 50 (Ministère des Mines et du Développement Industriel) SENEGAL - Dakar Agence Sénégalaise pour la Propriété Industrielle et l’Innovation Technologique (ASPIT) B.P. 4037 Dakar Tel. : (221) 33 869 47 70/77 341 79 09 Fax: (221) 33 827 36 14 (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et de l’Artisanat) TCHAD - N’djamena Direction de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Technologie B.P. 424 N’Djamena Tel. : (235) 22 52 08 67 Fax: (235) 22 52 21 79/68 84 84 18 (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) TOGO - Lomé Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Technologie (INPIT) B.P. 2339 Lomé Tel. : (228) 22 22 10 08 Fax : (228) 222 44 70 (Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie, de la Promotion du secteur privé et du Tourisme) ADRESSES DES STRUCTURES NATIONALES DE LIAISON AVEC L’OAPI (SNL) Siège social Place de la Préfecture B.P. 887 Yaoundé - Cameroun Tél.: (237) 222 20 57 00 Site web : / Email : Sécuriser les investissements étrangers est notre affaire. Développer l‛Afrique par la propriété intellectuelle est notre vision
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 11 (11) 20931 (51) H04B 1/00 (2018.01) (21) 1201700090 - PCT/EP2014/069280 (22) 10/09/2014 (54) Radio receiver carrier aggregation. (72) NILSSON, Magnus (SE) et JAKOBSSON, Peter (SE) (73) Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ), S-164 83 STOCKHOLM (SE) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A radio receiver circuit (10) configurable to operate in a carrier-aggregation, CA, mode and in a non-CA mode is disclosed. It comprises a first receive path (30) arranged to be operatively connected to an antenna (15) and a second receive path (40) arranged to be operatively connected to the same antenna (15). It further comprises a control unit (50) operatively connected to the first receive path (30) and the second receive path (40). In the CA mode, the control unit (50) controls the first receive path (30) to receive a first CC (6) and the second receive path to receive a second CC (8). In the non-CA mode, the control unit (50) selectively controls the first receive path (30) and the second receive path (40) to both receive the same single CC (6). Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20932 (51) A01N 41/06 (2018.01); A61K 31/18 (2018.01) (21) 1201700130 - PCT/US2015/054316 (22) 06/10/2015 (30) US n° 62/060,182 du 06/10/2014; US n° 62/114,767 du 11/02/2015; US n° 62/153,120 du 27/04/2015 (54) Modulators of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. (72) ANDERSON, Corey (US); BEAR, Brian Richard (US); HADIDA-RUAH, Sara Sabina (US); TERMIN, Andreas P. (US); MILLER, Mark Thomas (US); ARUMUGAM, Vijay-alaksmi (US); BINCH, Hayley Marie (US); CLEMENS, Jeremy J. (US);
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 12 CLEVELAND, Thomas (US); CONROY, Erica (US); COON, Timothy Richard (US); FRIEMAN, Bryan A. (US); GROOTENHUIS, Peter Diederik Jan (US); GROSS, Raymond Stanley (US); HARIPADA, Khatuya (US); JOSHI, Pramod Virupax (US); KRENITSKY, Paul John (US); LIN, Chun-Chieh (US); MARELIUS, Gulin Erdogan (US); MELILLO, Vito (US); MCCARTNEY, Jason (US); NICHOLLS, Georgia McGaughey (US); PIERRE, Fabrice Jean Denis (US); SILINA, Alina (US); UY, Johnny (US) et ZHOU, Jinglan (US) (73) Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, 50 Northern Avenue, 15th Floor, BOSTON, 02210, Massachusetts (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention features a compound of formula (I): (I) or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, where R1, R2, R3, W, X, Y, Z, n, o, p, and q are defined herein, for the treatment of CFTR mediated diseases, such as cystic fibrosis. The present invention also features pharmaceutical compositions, method of treating, and kits thereof. Formula (I) Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20933 (51) A23L 7/161 (2018.01); A23P 20/10 (2018.01) (21) 1201700466 - PCT/ES2016/070340 (22) 04/05/2016 (30) ES n° P2015306021 du 07/05/2015 (54) Improvements to patent P201231330 "method for the treatment of corn kernels intended for the production of popcorn using microwave appliances, and resulting product. (72) GALCERAN MARTORELL Carlos (ES) (73) LIVEN, S.A.U, Alcalde Ramón Escayola, 66, 08197 VALLDOREIX (ES) (74) Cabinet DZOUPET Innocent, B.P. 15346, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) In the method of the main patent, corn kernels coated with sunflower lecithin and additives are obtained. According to the improvements, the additives and sunflower lecithin can be added in liquid state, solid state or both, and can be mixed and subsequently filtered before reaching a final mixer (2) to which are added not only the additives and sunflower lecithin, in any state, but also the corn kernels (1), in order to coat the corn kernels inside the mixer. The improvements also provide for the substitution of sunflower lecithin by other compounds with which similar results can be obtained, such as fructose syrup, liquid glucose, corn syrup, molasses, inverted sugar syrup or cornstarch, the kernels obtained being able to be coated with more than one coating of a different nature.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 13 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20934 (51) A61K 31/4985 (2018.01); A61K 31/5377 (2018.01); A61K 9/00 (2018.01) (21) 1201800052 (22) 08/02/2018 (30) US n° 61/920, 407 du 23/12/2013 (54) Syk inhibitors. (72) LEE Seung H. (US); CURRIE Kevin S. (US); LO Jennifer R. (US); BLOMGREN Peter A. (US) et KROPF Jeffrey E. (US) (73) GILEAD SCIENCES, INC., 333 Lakeside Drive, FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 (US) (74) GAD CONSULTANTS SCP, B.P. 13448, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present disclosure relates to compounds that are Syk inhibitors and to their use in the treatment of various disease states, including cancer and inflammatory conditions. In particular embodiments, the structure of the compounds is given by Formula I: Formula I wherein R1, R2, R3, and R4 are as described herein. The present disclosure further provides pharmaceutical compositions that include a compound of Formula I, or pharmaceutically acceptable salts or co-crystals thereof, and methods of using these compounds and compositions to treat conditions mediated by Syk. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20935 (51) C10G 31/06 (2018.01); C10G 9/36 (2018.01) ; C10G 9/42 (2018.01) (21) 1202000212 - PCT/US2018/067062 (22) 21/12/2018 (30) US n° 62/609,732 du 22/12/2017 (54) Methods for processing hydrocarbon feedstocks. (72) SWISS, Gerald F. (US); MILLER, Robert PW (US) et FALCONER, Ross Alan (US) (73) NexCrude Technologies, Inc, P.O. Box 233, DENNIS, MA 02641 (US)
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 14 (74) SCP ATANGA IP, 2nd Floor TAYOU BLDG FOKOU-Douche, P.O. Box 4663, DOUALA (CM). (57) Disclosed are methods and modular devices for processing hydrocarbon feedstocks. In particular, the methods and modular devices disclosed herein provide for increasing the amounts of light fractions obtainable from a hydrocarbon feedstock. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20936 (51) E02D 5/34 (2018.01); E02D 5/62 (2018.01) (21) 1202100085 - PCT/CN2019/093599 (22) 28/06/2019 (30) CN n° 201811586047.5 du 25/12/2018 (54) Pile-bottom grouting cavity and method for using same, and cast-in-place pile body and method for constructing same. (72) GAO, Yongguang (CN) et GAO, Yunfei (CN) (73) Beijing Keruihengji Construction Technology Development Co., Ltd., 101-A017, Floor 1-3, Building 26, No. 17 Huanke Middle Road, Tongzhou Park Jinqiao Science and Technology Industry Base, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Tongzhou District, BEIJING 101149 (CN) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Disclosed are a pile-bottom grouting cavity and a method for using same, and a cast-in-place pile body and a method for constructing same. The pile-bottom grouting cavity comprises: a grouting capsule, having an expansion state in which the grouting capsule is filled with grout to bear a pile body, and a contracted state in which the grouting capsule is hollow; a grouting pipe in communication with an inner cavity of the grouting capsule to grout the grouting capsule; and a fixing plate, with the grouting capsule being arranged on the fixing plate, and the fixing plate being provided with a through hole that is in communication with the bottom of an accommodation hole, such that slurry and/or sediment in the accommodation hole pass through the fixing plate. The aim thereof is to solve the problems in the prior art of hole wall collapse and excessive sediment that seriously affect the quality of construction in a grouting pile with a grouting capsule during the construction of a cast-in-place bored pile.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 15 Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20937 (51) E02D 5/62 (2018.01) (21) 1202100137 - PCT/CN2019/091230 (22) 14/06/2019 (30) CN n° 201811091450.0 du 25/09/2018 (54) Grouting consolidation method for full casing borehole guide prefabricated pile and prefabricated pile therefor. (72) GAO, Yongguang (CN) et GAO, Yunfei (CN) (73) Beijing Keruihengji Construction Technology Development Co., Ltd., 101-A017, Floor 1-3, Building 26, No. 17 Huanke Middle Road, Tongzhou Park Jinqiao Science and Technology Industry Base, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Tongzhou District, BEIJING 101149 (CN) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A grouting consolidation method for a full casing borehole guide prefabricated pile, comprising the following steps: SI, driving a drilling rig carrying a casing (1) to perform borehole construction, the borehole construction being performed to a preset hole depth to form a borehole (2); S2. the casing (1) being housed in the borehole (2); S3, implanting a prefabricated pile (4) into the borehole (2) so that the prefabricated pile (4) reaches a hole bottom of the borehole (2); S4. injecting a slurry (3) into the borehole (2); S5. pulling out the casing (1) so that the prefabricated pile (4) and an inner cavity of the borehole (2) are fixed and cemented into an integrated structure. Also provided is a prefabricated pile, comprising a pile body and a grouting channel (5) provided on the pile body, wherein a liquid inlet end (11) of the grouting channel (5) extends out from an upper end surface of the pile body and a liquid outlet end (12) of the grouting channel (5) extends out from a lower end surface of the pile body and/or a side surface of the pile body.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 16 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20938 (51) G06Q 30/02 (2018.01); H04W 4/021 (2018.01) (21) 1202100262 - PCT/US2019/065750 (22) 11/12/2019 (30) US n° 62/778,193 du 11/12/2018; US n° 62/782,110 du 19/12/2018 (54) Systems and methods for designing and deploying wireless communication mesh networks. (72) Ross, Kevin (US) et NAIM, Muhammad Ahsan (US) (73) L3VEL, LLC, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, WILMINGTON, New Cast County, Delaware 19801 (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Disclosed herein are systems and methods that relate to wireless communication mesh network design and operation. In one aspect, the disclosed process may involve (I) obtaining potentialcustomer information related to a set of potential customers for a service to be provided through a wireless communication mesh network in an AOI, where the potential-customer information comprises both (i) information related to potential customers that are identified during a premarketing phase and (ii) information related to potential customers that are identified during a door-to-door marketing phase, and where the set of potential customers have a corresponding set of customer locations in the AOI, (2) evaluating the obtained potential-customer information and thereby identifying a subset of customer locations at which to deploy the wireless communication mesh network, and (3) generating and outputting information that. facilitates deployment of the wireless communication mesh network at the identified subset of customer locations in the AOI.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 17 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20939 (51) G01R 33/34 (2018.01) (21) 1202100381 - PCT/US2020/019524 (22) 24/02/2020 (30) US n° 62/809,503 du 22/02/2019 (54) Pseudo-birdcage coil with variable tuning and applications thereof. (72) NACEV, Aleksandar (US) et José Miguel Algarin Guisado (US) (73) PROMAXO, INC, 70 Washington Street, Suite 407, OAKLAND, California 94607 (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A coil for single-sided magnetic resonance imaging system is disclosed. The coil is configured to generate a magnetic field outwards away from the coil. The coil includes a first ring and a second ring having different diameters and the current flows through the coil to generate the magnetic field in a region of interest. A method of imaging via a magnetic imaging apparatus is also disclosed. The method includes providing a power source and providing a coil that includes a first ring and a second ring having different diameters. The method includes turning on the power source so as to flow a current through the coil to generate a magnetic field in a region of interest. The method also includes selectively turning on a particular set of electronic components so as to pulse the magnetic field in a narrower frequency range. Consulter le mémoire
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 18 (11) 20940 (51) B01D 24/28 (2018.01) (21) 1202100413 - PCT/IB2020/051942 (22) 06/03/2020 (30) US n° 62/815,503 du 08/03/2019; US n° 62/848,911 du 16/05/2019 (54) Tailings deposition. (72) FILMER, Anthony Owen (AU); ALEXANDER, Daniel John (GB); SOLES, Julian Jeremy (GB) et NEWMAN, Philip Duncan (GB) (73) Anglo American Technical & Sustainability Services Ltd, 17 Charterhouse Street, LONDON, EC1N 6RA (GB) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) This invention relates to a method of disposing of residues from the comminution and processing of ores. The method includes the steps of classifying the processing residues into a water permeable sand fraction and a tailings fraction and depositing the tailings fraction and the sand fraction to form a multilayer structure contained by at least one containment wall (14) with the sand fraction forming continuous channels (12) through the tailings fraction (10) to allow water contained in the tailings mid sand to flow by gravity, through the sand channels, to water discharge points (16), and recovering the water (18) from the water discharge points. Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20941 (51) G01R 33/381 (2018.01) (21) 1202100416 - PCT/US2020/024776 (22) 25/03/2020 (30) US n° 62/823,521 du 25/03/2019 (54) Single-sided fast MRI gradient field coils and applications thereof. (72) NACEV, Aleksandar (US) et MALIK, Pulkit (US) (73) PROMAXO, INC., 70 Washington Street, Suite 407, OAKLAND, California 94607 (US)
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 19 (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A single-sided gradient coil set for single-sided magnetic resonance imaging system is disclosed. The coil set is configured to generate a magnetic field outwards away from the coil set. The coil set includes one or more first spiral coils at a first position relative to the aperture and one or more second spiral coils at a second position relative to the aperture. The coil set is configure to flow a current through the one or more first spiral coils and the one or more second spiral coils to generate an electromagnetic field gradient configured to project away from the coil set and into an imaging region of the magnetic imaging system. Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire (11) 20942 (51) G01R 33/20 (2018.01) (21) 1202100542 - PCT/US2020/039667 (22) 25/06/2020 (30) US n° 62/866,533 du 25/06/2019 (54) Systems and methods for image reconstruction in magnetic resonance imaging. (72) NACEV, Aleksandar (US); MALIK, Pulkit (US); NARAYANAN, Ram (US) et DE MATOS GOMES, Muller Francis (US) (73) Promaxo, Inc., 70 Washington Street, Suite 407, OAKLAND, California 94607 (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Some embodiments of the present disclosure disclose systems and methods for robust magnetic resonance image reconstruction that can model for all or nearly all components in the magnetic resonance imaging system, that possess compressibility features to speed tip reconstructions, and that can be optimized such that the reconstruction can be performed within a short period of time.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 20 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20943 (51) F16L 15/04 (2018.01) (21) 1202100543 - PCT/JP2020/030407 (22) 07/08/2020 (30) JP n° 2019-147926 du 09/08/2019 (54) Threaded coupling for steel pipe. (72) SUGINO, Masaaki (JP); INOSE, Keita (JP); UGAI, Shin (JP) et NAKANO, Hikari (JP) (73) 1- Nippon Steel Corporation, 6-1, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO 1008071 (JP) et 2- Vallourec Oil And Gas France, 54 rue Anatole France, AULNOYE-AYMERIES 59620 (FR) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) An object of the present disclosure is to ensure good sealability in a threaded connection for steel pipe of a two-step thread construction including an intermediate seal and intermediate shoulders. The pin 2 includes an intermediate seal section 22, an inner male-threaded section 23, an intermediate shoulder 24, an intermediate seal section 25 and an outer male-threaded section 26. The box 3 includes an intermediate seal section 32, an inner female-threaded section 33, an intermediate shoulder 34, an intermediate seal section 35 and an outer female-threaded section 36. The pin 2 has a pin intermediate critical cross section PICCS located near an end of the first male-threaded section23. The box 3 has a box critical cross section BCCS located near an end of the first female-threaded section 33 and a box intermediate critical cross section BICCS located near an end of the second female-threaded section 36. The pin 2 and the box 3 satisfy the following relationships: PICCSA + BICCSA > BCCSA, and 0.70 < PICCSA/BICCSA < 0.95.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 21 Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20944 (51) A61K 31/47 (2018.01); A61P 35/00 (2018.01) ; C07D 215/233 (2018.01) (21) 1202100553 - PCT/US2019/065980 (22) 12/12/2019 (30) US n° 62/856,404 du 03/06/2019 (54) Crystalline salt forms of a kinase inhibitor. (72) DEMORIN, Frenel (US); SHAH, Khalid (US); SHAKYA, Sagar (US); JOHNSON, Courtney S. (US); BEVILL, Melanie Janelle (US) et PARENT, Stephan D. (US) (73) EXELIXIS, INC., 1851 Harbor Bay Parkway, ALAMEDA, California 94502 (US) (74) AFRIC'INTEL CONSULTING, Essos, Immeuble MAH DONG Véronique. 2nd floor B.P. 8451, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to crystalline forms of salts of compound 1. Compound 1 The invention also relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising the solid crystalline salts of compound 1. The invention further relates to methods of treating a disease, disorder, or syndrome mediated at least in part by modulating in vivo activity of a protein kinase. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20945 (51) A01N 37/46 (2018.01); A01P 7/04 (2018.01); C12N 1/20 (2018.01) ; C12R 1/07 (2018.01) (21) 1202100571 - PCT/EP2020/066418 (22) 14/06/2020 (30) EP n° 19382497.6 du 14/06/2019 (54) Bacillus thuringiensis strain. (72) CABALLERO SANCHEZ, Javier (ES) (73) Bioinsectis S.L., Avda. de Pamplona, n° 123, 31192 MULTIVA, Navarra (ES) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM).
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 22 (57) The invention provides a novel B. thuringiensis {Bt) strain which does not produce beta-exotoxin and which exhibits insecticidal activity against Spodoptera frugiperda, an insect whose control is poor or ineffective with the currently market available Bt-based products. Thus, compositions based in this strain can be used as insecticides or for preparation of insecticides, being preferably that the composition used is a combination of spores and crystal proteins of the strain. The genome of the strain contains a combination of at least (6) different cry genes and at least (3) different Vip genes that has not been described for other Bt strains and that can be used to identify it. Fig. 1A, B, C Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20946 (51) B01D 61/36 (2018.01); C02F 1/44 (2018.01); C02F 101/10 (2018.01); C02F 101/38 (2018.01); C02F 103/18 (2018.01); C10L 3/10 (2018.01) (21) 1202100576 - PCT/IB2020/055655 (22) 17/06/2020 (30) IT n° 102019000009207 du 17/06/2019 (54) Process for concentrating amine water. (72) TAGLIABUE, Marco (IT); CATTANEO, Claudia (IT) et COMITE, Antonio (IT) (73) ENI S.P.A., Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1, 00144 ROMA (IT) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to a process for concentrating amine water by dehydrating it through membrane distillation at a temperature ranging from 30°C to 95°C and at a pressure ranging from 1.0 bar to 1.5 absolute bar.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 23 Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20947 (51) C12N 15/82 (2018.01); C12N 15/90 (2018.01) (21) 1202100606 - PCT/US2020/036828 (22) 09/06/2020 (30) US n° 62/866,872 du 26/06/2019; US n° 62/912,010 du 07/10/2019 (54) Identification of resistance genes from wild relatives of banana and their uses in controlling Panama disease. (72) MESSIER, Walter (US) (73) EG CROP SCIENCE, INC., 1801 Sunset Place, Suite C, LONGMONT, Colorado 80501 (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present disclosure provides compositions and methods for providing broad-based resistance to fungal pathogens, such as a Fusarium fungi, and plants derived therefrom. Fig. 3
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 24 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20948 (51) B63C 9/02 (2018.01) (21) 1202200069 (22) 08/02/2022 (54) Planche de sauvetage. (72) Monsieur SONKO El Hadji Amadou (SN) (73) SONKO El Hadji Amadou, Sicap Liberté 5 N 53332 J, DAKAR (SN) (57) La planche de sauvetage, objet de l’invention, concerne une planche de sauvetage insubmersible qui permet de faire flotter dans l’eau l’équipage d’un navire ou d’une pirogue en cas de naufrage. La planche de sauvetage peut être fabriquée en fibres de verre et mesure 2 m de long 50 cm de large et 07 cm d’épaisseur selon option la catégorie moyenne (CM). Elle est conçue pour apporter une solution technique révolutionnaire qui va éradiquer et mettre fin aux nombreuses noyades et disparitions surtout des pécheurs aux larges des côtes. Ladite planche de sauvetage selon la planche IV est constituée de trois parties principales : - une couverture dorsale supportant au-dessus une boite de matériaux qui loge un matériel technique qui permet de lancer un signal de détresse tel qu’un système GPS, radar ; - un flotteur logé dans la caisse dorsale pout maintenir en surface de l’eau des personnes jusqu’à l’arrivée des premiers secours ; - un appareil de géolocalisation qui émet par système satellitaire. La planche de sauvetage est capable de lancer ou émettre un signal de détresse pour demander des secours quel que soit la position de l’équipage en plein mer. Planche I / VII (B) Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20949 (51) G06Q 20/06 (2018.01) (21) 1202200071 (22) 27/12/2021
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 25 (54) Procédé de mise à disposition de ticket électronique de monnaie fractionnaire et de reliquat de monnaie. (72) Monsieur SARR Sadaga (SN) (73) SARR Sadaga, Cité Hamo 2, Villa S-33, DAKAR (SN) (57) L'invention concerne un procédé de mise à disposition de ticket électronique de monnaie fractionnaire et de reliquat de monnaie (5). Elle implique un terminal mobile utilisateur du service (1) doté d’une carte Sim (2), un compte de paiement mobile (3) associé à la carte Sim, un équipement de télécommunication fournisseur du service (4) apte à entrer en communication avec le terminal mobile et un ticket électronique de monnaie (5). Le procédé est caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte les étapes suivantes : - une étape (ET1) d’authentification du terminal utilisateur du ticket électronique de monnaie. - une étape (ET2) de génération et de stockage du ticket électronique de monnaie ; - une étape (ET 3) de validation du ticket électronique de monnaie. Planche III / V Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20950 (51) H04L 12/24 (2018.01)
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 26 (21) 1202200181 - PCT/EP2020/083344 (22) 25/11/2020 (30) US n° 62/939,954 du 25/11/2019 (54) Technique for replacing VNFMs in a VNF based environment. (72) TOEROE, Maria (CA) (73) TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL), 164 83 stockholm (se) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A technique for replacing a source Virtualized Network Function Manager, VNFM, managing a source Virtualized Network Function, VNF, in a VNF based environment by a target VNFM is disclosed. A method implementation of the technique comprises the steps of triggering (S302) instantiating a target VNF, the target VNF being managed by the target VNFM and being executed in parallel to the source VNF, triggering (S304) redirecting traffic from the source VNF to the target VNF in accordance with a traffic redirection schedule, triggering (S306) terminating the source VNF when redirecting traffic from the source VNF to the target VNF is complete, and triggering (S308) terminating the source VNFM. Fig. 3 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20951 (51) H04W 72/04 (2018.01); H04W 92/20 (2018.01) (21) 1202200253 - PCT/SE2021/050005 (22) 07/01/2021 (30) US n° 62/976,005 du 13/02/2020 (54) UE capability coordination for NE-DC. (72) WAGER, Stefan (FI) et ARAUJO, Lian (SE) (73) TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL), 164 83 STOCKHOLM (SE) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM).
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 27 (57) Embodiments described herein relate to methods and apparatuses for signalling band combinations allowed to be used by a second base station. A method performed by a first base station, wherein the first base station is acting as a Master Node in Dual Connectivity, wherein there exists a first band combination list and a second band combination list, and wherein the first band combination list and the second band combination list each contain supported band combinations, comprises: signalling to a second base station to indicate band combinations allowed to be used by the second base station, wherein the second base station is acting as a Secondary Node in Dual Connectivity, wherein the indicated band combinations comprise band combinations from the first band combination list and/or the second band combination list. Fig. 14 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20952 (51) A01N 25/04 (2018.01); A01N 33/22 (2018.01); A01N 37/22 (2018.01); A01N 43/40 (2018.01); A01N 57/20 (2018.01); A01P 13/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200264 - PCT/IB2021/050057 (22) 06/01/2021 (30) IN n° 202021001276 du 10/01/2020 (54) A stable agrochemical composition and process for preparation thereof. (72) LENZ, Giuvan (MU); MONDAL, Achintya (IN); PIMPALE, Milind Jagannath (IN); SILVA, Ferdinando Marcos Lima (MU) et RAO, Ganesh (MU) (73) 1- UPL CORPORATION LIMITED, 5th Floor Newport Building, Louis Pasteur Street, PORT LOUIS (MU) et 2- UPL LIMITED, UPL House, 610 B/2 Bandra Village, Off Western Express Highway, BandraEast, MUMBAI 400051 (IN) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, No. 1777, rue 6.261, Yaoundé, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to a continuous process for preparation of a stable agrochemical composition in microreactor processing system. The present invention also provides a stable agrochemical composition having mean particle size distribution and method of controlling undesired vegetation with said composition.
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 28 Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20953 (51) H04W 64/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200300 - PCT/SE2021/050009 (22) 11/01/2021 (30) US n° 62/982,768 du 28/02/2020 (54) Determination of spatial relations for positioning. (72) GUNNARSSON, Fredrik (SE) et SHREEVASTAV, Ritesh (SE) (73) TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL), 164 83 STOCKHOLM (SE) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Embodiments include methods for a positioning node coupled to a radio access network (RAN). Such methods include determining first spatial relations between downlink reference signals (DLRS) and uplink reference signals (UL-RS) used for positioning in a first cell served by a first RAN node; and determining second spatial relations between DL-RS and UL-RS used for positioning in one or more second cells served by a second RAN node. The first cell is a serving cell for a user equipment (UE) and the second cells are neighbor cells to the first cell. Such methods include configuring the UE to transmit UL-RS according to the first and second spatial relations. Embodiments include complementary methods for the first RAN node and for the UE, as well as positioning nodes, RAN nodes, and UEs configured to perform such methods. Fig. 10 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20954 (51) C05D 1/02 (2018.01);
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 29 C05D 1/04 (2018.01); C05D 3/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200301 - PCT/IB2021/051351 (22) 17/02/2021 (30) US n° 62/977,948 du 18/02/2020 (54) Multi-phase material-containing compositions and related methods of preparation and use. (72) CHEN, Dennis (US); WENDER, Ingo (BR); LE BLOND, Jennifer (US); DIEP, Vannara (US); RODRIGUES, Marcos (BR); SATO, Juliana (BR) et DE OLIVEIRA, Marcelo (BR) (73) 1- ADVANCED POTASH TECHNOLOGIES LTD., c/o OGCL, 89 Nexus Way, Camana Bay, GRAND CAYMAN, KY1-9007 (KY) et 2- WENDER, Ingo, Av. Vieira Souto, 364, apto. 902 - Ipanema, RJ, 22420-004 RIO DE JANEIRO (BR) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The disclosed compositions can exhibit one or more of a variety of beneficial properties and/or uses. The compositions can be a source of components, such as micronutrients, macronutrients and other beneficial elements. In cases where a composition is a potassium source, the composition can be a potassium fertilizer. The compositions can provide a healthy environment for microbiota. The compositions can reduce nutrient leaching losses and/or provide for multistage nutrient release. The compositions can provide high water retention capacity. The compositions can provide a residual effect to soil and/or create a nutrient storage. The compositions can be substantially chloride free and/or present low salinity. The compositions can be used for heavy metal soil remediation. Other properties and uses of compositions are disclosed. In addition, related methods of use and preparation are also disclosed. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20955 (51) G06Q 10/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200306 (22) 24/06/2022 (54) Système d'information numérique pour la collecte et la gestion des ressources financières basé sur le cloud. (72) Monsieur THIAM Momath (SN) (73) THIAM Momath, Cité Technicien de l'eau (SDE), Villa n° 95, DAKAR (SN) (57) L'invention concerne un système digitalisé d'information et de gestion des ressources financières en faveur des collectivités locales, des autorités fiscales, des opérateurs économiques tels que les entreprises de transport de marchandises ou de personnes. Le paiement et la collecte se font entièrement par le système objet de l'invention par le biais : - des terminaux mobiles programmés et connectés à une plateforme centrale ;
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 30 - une interface de gestion pour l'exploitation du système ; - des collecteurs d'espèces et de débit. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20956 (51) B01D 27/06 (2018.01); F16C 33/66 (2018.01); F16N 7/22 (2018.01) (21) 1202200309 - PCT/US2020/017144 (22) 07/02/2020 (54) Two-piece oil filter assembly for pumps. (72) KOHBERGER, Cynthia Ann (US); SALERNO, John Charles (US); SULLIVAN,Susan Elaine (US) et DEWAELE, Kevin Michael (US) (73) ITT MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES LLC, 1105 North Market Street, Suite 1300, WILMINGTON, Delaware 19801 (US) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, No. 1777, rue 6.261, Yaoundé, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Technologies are generally described for a twopiece filter assembly for centrifugal pump assemblies. A filter portion optionally made from recyclable material may receive contaminated oil from the oil path, through the filter, and provide the filtered oil back to the sump. The filtered oil is then reclaimed by the oil ring from the sump to lubricate the bearings. The filter portion may be removable from the plug portion and the plug portion may be placed back onto the pump assembly with a new filter portion. In some examples, moisture absorbing beads are placed inside the filter portion to remove moisture from the filtered oil. Fig. 3C Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20957 (51) H04L 1/08 (2018.01); H04W 72/02 (2018.01) (21) 1202200310 - PCT/EP2021/053126 (22) 10/02/2021 (30) US n° 62/976050 du 13/02/2020 (54) Methods providing resource selection for D2D communications and related communication devices. (72) BLASCO SERRANO, Ricardo (FI); ORSINO, Antonino (FI) et ZHANG, Congchi (CN) (73) TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL), SE-164 83 STOCKHOLM (SE) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A method is provided that includes selecting a resource within a resource selection window for an initial transmission of a first Medium Access Control protocol data unit (MAC PDU) of a plurality of periodic MAC PDUs to be transmitted by a first 5 communication device (TX UE) over a device-to-device, D2D, link to a second communication device (RX UE). The method further includes selecting a period (P) for periodic transmission of the plurality of periodic MAC PDUs so that initial transmissions of all MAC PDUs of the plurality of periodic MAC PDUs other than the first MAC PDU occur in resources after
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 31 the resource selection window. Communication devices (RX UE) 10 and computer program products are also provided. Fig. 8 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20958 (51) A61K 47/68 (2018.01); C07K 16/30 (2018.01) (21) 1202200311 - PCT/IL2021/050269 (22) 11/03/2021 (30) US n° 62/991,077 du 18/03/2020 (54) Anti- MUC1-sea antibodies. (72) RUBINSTEIN, Daniel (US) et WRESCHNER, Daniel (IL) (73) BIOMODIFYING, LLC, 601 Rockford Road, SILVER SPRING, Maryland 20902 (US) et RAMOT AT TEL-AVIV UNIVERSITY LTD., P.O. Box 39296, 6139201 TEL-AVIV (IL) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention provides isolated monoclonal antibodies which bind to the MUC1 SEA domain. The invention also concerns the use of these antibodies in therapeutic and diagnostic methods. Fig. 1A ; 1B ; 1C Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20959 (51) H04W 72/02 (2018.01); H04W 74/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202300014 - PCT/IB2021/057159 (22) 04/08/2021 (30) CN n° PCT/CN2020/106760 du 04/08/2020
BOPI 05 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 32 (54) Coverage enhancement of MSG3 and MSGA transmissions on physical uplink shared channel. (72) HARRISON, Robert Mark (US); AXNÄS, Johan (SE); LIN, Zhipeng (CN); SU, Ling (CN) et ASTELY, David (SE) (73) TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL), SE-164 83 STOCKHOLM (SE) (74) ALEMBONG OSWALD AMIN, S/C Von Seidels Cameroon Sarl, EasyOffice Building, Centre de l'Artisanat, Carrefour Intendance, B.P. 30188, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A communication device operating in a communications network can determine to transmit information using repetition to a network node operating in the communications network during a random access, RA, procedure. The communication device can further determine a subset of preambles based on determining to transmit the information using repetition. Responsive to determining the subset of preambles, the communication device can determine a preamble of the subset of preambles to transmit to the network node to indicate a type of the repetition. The communication device can further transmit the preamble to the network node. The communication device can further transmit the information using the type of repetition to the network node. Fig. 16 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 20960 (51) F42B 3/08 (2018.01); F42B 3/10 (2018.01); F42B 3/24 (2018.01); F42B 3/26 (2018.01); F42B 3/28 (2018.01) (21) 1202200330 - PCT/EP2021/018181 (22) 16/02/2021 (30) US n° 62/978,595 du 19/02/2020 (54) Canister assembly with protected cap well and booster explosive comprising the same. (72) MICHNA, Richard Joseph (US); PLITT, Tyson James (US) et STREBEL, Paul Richard (US) (73) DYNO NOBEL INC., 2795 East Cottonwood Parkway, Suite 500, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah 84121 (US) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A booster explosive (10) comprises a canister body 12 within which is a cap well (20) having disposed therein a detonator (24). A protective sleeve (28) encloses the cap well (20) except for that portion of the cap well, the active portion (20d), which encloses the explosive end section (24a) of detonator (24). The protective sleeve serves to attenuate the force of shock waves from nearby prior explosions acting on the detonator (24). An annular air space (32) may be provided between protective sleeve (28) and cap well (20) to further attenuate the force of such shock waves. Attenuation of the shock waves reduces the likelihood of damage to detonators (24) by prior nearby explosions.