PUBLICATION N° 07 BR / 2023 du 09 Octobre 2023
BOPI 07 BR/2023 GENERALITES 1 SOMMAIRE TITRES PAGES PREMIERE PARTIE : GENERALITES 2 Extrait de la norme ST3 de l’OMPI utilisée pour la représentation des pays et organisations internationales 3 Extrait de la norme ST9 de l’OMPI utilisée en matière de documentation des Brevets d’Invention et des Modèles d’Utilité 6 Codes utilisés en matière d’inscriptions dans les registres spéciaux des Brevets d’Invention et des Modèles d’Utilité 6 Clarification du règlement relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui 7 Adresses utiles 8 DEUXIEME PARTIE : BREVETS D’INVENTION 9 A - Repertoire numérique du N° 21031 au N° 21080 10 B - Repertoire suivant la C.I.B 48 C - Repertoire des noms 50 TROISIEME PARTIE : Inscriptions au Régistre Spécial des Brevets (IRSB) 53 IRSB publiées au BOPI 07 BR 2023 du N° 23/024 au N° 23/041 54
BOPI 07 BR/2023 GENERALITES 3 Extrait de la norme ST.3 de l’OMPI Code normalisé à deux lettres recommandé pour la représentationdes pays ainsi que d’autres entités et des organisations internationales délivrant ou enregistrant des titres de propriété industrielle. Afghanistan AF Cook, Îles CK Afrique du Sud ZA Corée (République de Corée) KR Albanie AL Corée (Rép. Populaire de Corée) KP Algérie DZ Costa Rica CR Allemagne DE Côte d’Ivoire* CI Andorre AD Croatie HR Angola AO Cuba CU Anguilla AI Danemark DK Antigua-et-Barbuda AG Djibouti DJ Antilles Néerlandaises AN Dominicaine, République DO Arabie Saoudite SA Dominique DM Argentine AR Egypte EG Arménie AM El Salvador SV Aruba AW Emirats Arabes Unis AE Australie AU Equateur EC Autriche AT Erythrée ER Azerbaïdjan AZ Espagne ES Bahamas BS Estonie EE Bahreïn BH Etats-Unis d’Amérique US Bangladesh BD Ethiopie ET Barbade BB Ex Rep. Yougoslavie de Macedoine MK Bélarus BY Falkland, Îles (Malvinas) FK Belgique BE Fédération de Russie RU Belize BZ Fidji FJ Bénin* BJ Féroé, Îles FO Bermudes BM Finlande FI Bhoutan BT France FR Bolivie BO Gabon* GA Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba BQ Gambie GM Bosnie-Herzégovine BA Géorgie GE Botswana BW Géorgie du Sud et les Îles Sandwich du Sud GS Bouvet, Île BV Ghana GH Brésil BR Gibraltar GI Brunéi Darussalam BN Grèce GR Bulgarie BG Grenade GD Burkina Faso* BF Groenland GL Burundi BI Guatemala GT Caïmanes, Îles KY Guernesey GG Cambodge KH Guinée* GN Cameroun* CM Guinée-Bissau* GW Canada CA Guinée Equatoriale* GQ Cap-Vert CV Guyana GY Centrafricaine, République* CF Haïti HT
BOPI 07 BR/2023 GENERALITES 4 Chili CL Honduras HN Chine CN Hong Kong HK Chypre CY Hongrie HU Colombie CO Île de Man IM Comores* KM Îles Vierges (Britanniques) VG Congo* CG Inde IN Congo (Rép. Démocratique) CD Indonésie ID Iran (République Islamique d’) IR Norvège NO Iraq IQ Nouvelle-Zélande NZ Irlande IE Oman OM Islande IS Ouganda UG Israël IL Ouzbékistan UZ Italie IT Pakistan PK Jamaïque JM Palaos PW Japon JP Panama PA Jersey JE Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée PG Jordanie JO Paraguay PY Kazakhstan KZ Pays-Bas NL Kenya KE Pérou PE Kirghizistan KG Philippines PH Kiribati KI Pologne PL Koweït KW Portugal PT Laos LA Qatar QA Lesotho LS Région admin. Spéciale de Hong Kong (Rep. Populaire de Chine) HK Lettonie LV Roumanie RO Liban LB Royaume Uni (Grande Bretagne) GB Libéria LR Rwanda RW Libye LY Sahara Occidental EH Liechtenstein LI Sainte-Hélène SH Lituanie LT Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis KN Luxembourg LU Sainte-Lucie LC Macao MO Saint-Marin SM Macédoine MK Saint-Marin (Partie Néerlandaise) SX Madagascar MG Saint-Siège (Vatican) VA Malaisie MY Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines (a,b) VC Malawi MW Salomon, Îles SB Maldives MV Samoa WS Mali* ML SaoTomé-et-Principe ST Malte MT Sénégal* SN Mariannes du Nord, Îles MP Serbie RS Maroc MA Seychelles SC Maurice MU Sierra Leone SL Mauritanie* MR Singapour SG Mexique MX Slovaquie SK Moldova MD Slovénie SI Monaco MC Somalie SO
BOPI 07 BR/2023 GENERALITES 5 Mongolie MN Soudan SD Monténégro ME Sri Lanka LK Montserrat MS Suède SE Mozambique MZ Suisse CH Myanmar (Birmanie) MM Suriname SR Namibie NA Swaziland SZ Nauru NR Syrie SY Népal NP Tadjikistan TJ Nicaragua NI Taïwan, Province de Chine TW Niger* NE Tanzanie (Rép.-Unie) TZ Nigéria NG Tchad* TD Thaïlande TH Tchèque, République CZ Timor Oriental TP Ukraine UA Togo* TG Uruguay UY Tonga TO Vanuata VU Trinité-et-Tobago TT Venezuela VE Tunisie TN Viet Nam VN Turkménistan TM Yémen YE Turks et Caïques, Îles TC Yougoslavie YU Turquie TR Zambie ZM Tuvalu TV Zimbabwe ZW ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONALES DELIVRANT OU ENREGISTRANT DES TITRES DE PROPRIETE INDUSTRIELLE Bureau Benelux des marques et des dessins et modèles industriels BX Office Communautaire des variétés végétales (Communauté Européenne (OCVV) QZ Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (Marque, dessins et modèles) EM Office des Brevets du conseil de Coopération des Etats du Golf (CCG) GC Office Européen des Brevets (OEB) EP Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OMPI) WO Bureau International de l'OMPI IB Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) OA Organisation Eurasienne des Brevets (OEAB) EA Organisation Régionale Africaine de la Propriété Industrielle (ARIPO) AP *Etats membres de l’OAPI
BOPI 07 BR/2023 GENERALITES 6 CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE DE DOCUMENTATION DES BREVETS D’INVENTION ET DES MODELES D’UTILITE (11) Numéro de publication. (12) Désignation du type de document. (19) Identification de l’office qui publie le document. (21) Numéro d’enregistrement ou de dépôt. (22) Date de dépôt. (24) Date de délivrance. (30) Pays dans lequel (lesquels) la(les) demande(s) de priorité a (ont) été déposée(s). Date(s) de dépôt de la (des) demande(s) de priorité. (le cas échéant) Numéro(s) attribué(s) à la (aux) demande(s) de priorité. (51) Classification internationale des brevets(CIB). (54) Titre de l’invention. (57) Abrégé. (60) Références à d’autres documents apparentés (le cas échéant). (71) Nom(s) du ou des demandeur(s). (72) Nom de l’inventeur (le cas échéant) suivi éventuellement du nom de la société d’appartenance. (73) Nom(s) du ou des titulaire(s) le cas échéant. (Ce code n’apparaît que sur la première page du brevet délivré) (74) Nom du mandataire en territoire OAPI (le cas échéant). CODES UTILISES EN MATIERE D’INSCRIPTIONS DANS LE REGISTRE SPECIAL DES BREVETS D’INVENTION ET DES MODELES D’UTILITE (1) Numéro de délivrance (2) Numéro de dépôt (3) Numéro et date de la demande d’inscription (4) Nature de l’inscription (5) Numéro et date de l’inscription (10) Cédant (11) Cessionnaire (12) Apporteur (13) Bénéficiaire (14) Dénomination avant (15) Dénomination après (16) Concédant (17) Titulaire (18) Ancienne adresse (19) Nouvelle adresse (20) Constituant du nantissement (21) Créancier nanti
BOPI 07 BR/2023 GENERALITES 7 CLARIFICATION DU REGLEMENT RELATIF A L’EXTENSION DES DROITS SUITE A UNE NOUVELLE ADHESION A L’ACCORD DE BANGUI RESOLUTION N°47/32 LE CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION DE L’ORGANISATION AFRICAINE DE LAPROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Vu L’accord portant révision de l’accord de Bangui du 02 Mars 1977 instituant une Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle et ses annexes ; Vu Les dispositions des articles 18 et 19 dudit Accord relatives Aux attributions et pouvoirs du Conseil d’Administration ; ADOPTE la clarification du règlement du 04 décembre 1988 relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui ci-après : Article 1er : Le Règlement du 04 décembre 1988 relatif à l’extension des droits suite à une nouvelle adhésion à l’Accord de Bangui est réaménagé ainsi qu’il suit : «Article 5 (nouveau) : Les titulaires des titres en vigueur à l’Organisation avant la production des effets de l’adhésion d’un Etat à l’accord de Bangui ou ceux dont la demande a été déposée avant cette date et qui voudront étendre la protection dans ces Etats doivent formuler une demande d’extension à cet effet auprès de l’Organisation suivant les modalités fixées aux articles 6 à 18 ci-dessous. Le renouvellement de la protection des titres qui n’ont pas fait l’objet d’extension avant l’échéance dudit renouvellement entraine une extension automatique des effets de la protection à l’ensemble du territoire OAPI». Le reste sans changement. Article 2 : La présente clarification, qui entre en vigueur à compter du 1 er janvier 2008, s’applique aussi aux demandes d’extension en instance et sera publiée au Bulletin Officiel de l’Organisation. Fait à Bangui le 17 décembre 2007
BENIN - Cotonou Agence Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle (ANAPI) 01 B.P. 363 Cotonou 01 Tel.: (229) 21 31 02 40 Fax.: (229) 21 30 30 24 (Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et des PME) BURKINA FASO - Ouagadougou Centre National de la Propriété Industrielle (CNPI) 04 B.P. 382 Ouagadougou 04 Tel. : (226) 50 30 09 41/25 31 03 11 Fax.: (226) 50 33 05 63 (Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et de l’Artisanat) CAMEROUN - Yaoundé Direction du Développement Technologique et de la Propriété Industrielle B.P.: 1652 Yaoundé Tel.: (237) 222 20 37 78 Fax.: (237) 222 20 37 38 (Ministère des Mines, de l’Industrie et du Développement Technologique) CENTRAFRIQUE - Bangui Direction de la Propriété Industrielle Avenue B. BOGANDA B.P. : 1988 Bangui Tel. : (236) 21 61 17 44 Fax.: (236) 21 61 76 53 (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) CONGO - Brazzaville Direction de l’antenne Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle (DANPI) B.P. 72 Brazzaville Tel (242) 581 56 57/581 54 80 Fax : (242) 22 81 32 12 (Ministère du Développement Industriel et de la Promotion du Secteur Privé) COMORES - Moroni Office comorien de la propriété intellectuelle B.P. 41 Moroni Tél : (269) 33 10 703 Fax : (269) 775 00 03/33 35 360 (Ministère de la production, de l’environnement, de l’énergie, de l’industrie et de l’artisanat) COTE D’IVOIRE - Abidjan Office Ivoirien de la Propriété Industrielle (OIPI) 01 B.P. 2337 Abidjan Tel. : (225) 22 41 16 65 Fax: (225) 22 41 11 81 (Ministère de l’Industrie) GABON - Libreville Office Gabonais de la Propriété Industrielle (OGAPI) B.P. 1025 Libreville Tel. : (241) 01 74 59 24/04 13 71 88 Fax. : (241) 01 76 30 55 (Ministère de l’Industrie et des Mines) GUINEE - Conakry Service National de la Propriété Industrielle et de l’Innovation Technologique 01 B.P. 363 Cotonou - BENIN Tel.: (229) 21 31 02 15/21 32 11 51/21 31 46 08 Fax : (229) 21 31 46 08 (Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et des PME) GUINEE BISSAU - Bissau Direction Générale de la Propriété Industrielle B.P. 269 Bissau Tél : (245) 322 22 75 Fax : (245) 322 34 64 15 (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et de la Promotion des Produits locaux) GUINEE EQUATORIALE - Malabo Direction Générale de la Propriété Intellectuelle B.P. 528 Malabo Tel. : (240) 333 09 15 39 Fax : (240) 333 09 33 13/222 24 43 89 (Consejo de Investigacones Cientificas y Tecnologicas-CICTE) MALI - Bamako Centre Malien de Promotion de la Propriété Industrielle (CEMAPI) B.P. 1541 Bamako Tel. : (223) 20 28 90 91 Fax: (223) 20 29 90 91 (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) MAURITANIE - Nouakchott Direction du développement Industriel B.P. 387 Nouakchott Tel. : (222) 22 31 21 48/42 43 42 91 Fax: (222) 525 72 66 (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie, de l’Artisanat et du Tourisme) NIGER - Niamey Agence Nationale de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Promotion de l’Innovation (ANA2PI) B.P. 11700 Niamey Tel. : (227) 20 75 20 53 Fax. : (227) 20 73 21 50 (Ministère des Mines et du Développement Industriel) SENEGAL - Dakar Agence Sénégalaise pour la Propriété Industrielle et l’Innovation Technologique (ASPIT) B.P. 4037 Dakar Tel. : (221) 33 869 47 70/77 341 79 09 Fax: (221) 33 827 36 14 (Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et de l’Artisanat) TCHAD - N’djamena Direction de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Technologie B.P. 424 N’Djamena Tel. : (235) 22 52 08 67 Fax: (235) 22 52 21 79/68 84 84 18 (Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie) TOGO - Lomé Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle et de la Technologie (INPIT) B.P. 2339 Lomé Tel. : (228) 22 22 10 08 Fax : (228) 222 44 70 (Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie, de la Promotion du secteur privé et du Tourisme) ADRESSES DES STRUCTURES NATIONALES DE LIAISON AVEC L’OAPI (SNL) Siège social Place de la Préfecture B.P. 887 Yaoundé - Cameroun Tél.: (237) 222 20 57 00 Site web : / Email : Sécuriser les investissements étrangers est notre affaire. Développer l‛Afrique par la propriété intellectuelle est notre vision
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 11 (11) 21031 (51) A01N 43/66 (2018.01); A01N 57/20 (2018.01); A01P 13/02 (2018.01) (21) 1201700430 - PCT/EP2016/060282 (22) 09/05/2016 (30) EP n° 15167094.0 du 11/05/2015 (54) Herbicide combinations comprising L-glufosinate and indaziflam. (72) OESER, Jörg (DE) et GÜR, Petra (DE) (73) BAYER CROPSCIENCE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, Alfred-Nobel-Str. 50, 40789 MONHEIM AM RHEIN (DE) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention primarily relates to specific herbicide combinations comprising (i) Lglufosinate and/or salts thereof and (ii) indaziflam and to compositions comprising said specific herbicide combinations. The present invention further relates to a method of producing said specific herbicide combinations and compositions comprising said specific herbicide combinations. The present invention also relates to the use of said specific herbicide combinations and compositions comprising said specific herbicide combinations in the field of agriculture, in particular as plant growth regulators and for controlling harmful plants or undesired plant growth, as well as to corresponding methods. Formula (I) Component (ii) Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21032 (51) A01N 25/14 (2018.01) (21) 1202000136 - PCT/IN2019/050269 (22) 31/03/2019 (30) IN n° 201811033003 du 03/09/2018 (54) A synergistic pesticidal wettable granule formulation comprising emamectin benzoate and profenofos. (72) ANAND, Keshav (IN); ANAND, Uday (IN) et DHIMAN, Sarvind (IN) (73) PARIJAT INDUSTRIES (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED, M-77 (I & II Floor) M-Block, Market Greater Kailash II, NEW DELHI 110048 (IN) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A synergistic and stable pesticidal granule formulation including, an effective amount of a first ingredient and a liquid active ingredient. In use, the first ingredient is Emamectin benzoate and the liquid active ingredient is an organothiophosphate. In further use, the liquid active ingredient is an organophosphate insecticide. Specifically, the liquid active ingredient is Profenofos. The synergistic and stable pesticidal granule formulation is a synergistic and stable water dispersible granular formulation (WDG or WG). In addition, Emamectin benzoate is present in a range of approximately 1% to 3% by weight of
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 12 formulation. In use, Profenofos is present in a range of approximately 32% to 40% by weight of formulation. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21033 (51) B32B 15/04 (2018.01); B32B 27/04 (2018.01); H01B 5/10 (2018.01); H01B 7/17 (2018.01); H02G 15/18 (2018.01); H02G 7/02 (2018.01) (21) 1202000258 - PCT/US2019/014986 (22) 24/01/2019 (30) US n° 62/621,173 du 24/01/2018 (54) Termination arrangement for an overhead electrical cable. (72) BOSZE, Eric (US); WONG, Christopher (US); PILLING, Ian M. (US); WEBB, William (US) et PILLING, Douglas A. (US) (73) CTC GLOBAL CORPORATION, 2026 McGaw Avenue, IRVINE, California 92614 (US) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A termination arrangement for securing an overhead electrical cable to a dead-end structure such as a dead-end tower. The termination arrangement includes a compression sheath that is configured to be disposed between a strength member and the conductive strands of the overhead electrical cable. The compression sheath mitigates damage to the strength member that may occur when an outer metallic sleeve is compressed around the conductive strands and the conductive strands are compressed against the strength member. The arrangement is particularly useful for securing overhead electrical cables having a composite strength member to a dead-end structure. Fig. 5 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21034 (51) G01R 33/34 (2018.01); G01R 33/383 (2018.01); G01R 33/385 (2018.01); G01R 33/465 (2018.01) ; G01R 33/48 (2018.01) (21) 1202100377 - PCT/US2020/018352 (22) 14/02/2020 (30) US n° 62/806,664 du 15/02/2019 (54) Systems and methods for ultralow field relaxation dispersion.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 13 (72) DE MATOS GOMES, Muller Francis (US) (73) PROMAXO, INC, 70 Washington Street, Suite 407, OAKLAND, California 94607 (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) A system of field cycled magnetic resonance system and a method of operating a field cycled magnetic resonance system are described. In accordance with various embodiments, the disclosed system includes a static field magnet, wherein the magnet is configured to provide a low static external magnetic field to a given field of view, a radio frequency coil, and a field cycling magnet. In accordance with various embodiments, the method includes providing a static field magnet configured to image a tissue sample within a given field of view, applying a low static external magnetic field to the given field of view, providing a radio frequency coil configured to produce cycling radio frequency field, providing a field cycling magnet, altering the low static external magnetic field within the given field of view, and collecting images from the system. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21035 (51) H02M 3/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202100396 (22) 17/08/2021 (54) Onduleur à batteries. (72) Monsieur Moulaye KEITA (ML) et Monsieur Mohamed Amadou SIDIBE (ML) (73) 1-Monsieur Moulaye KEITA, Rue 1013 Porte 247 Garantiguibougou 300 Logements, BAMAKO (ML) et 2-Monsieur Mohamed Amadou SIDIBE, Rue 1013 Porte 247 Garantiguibougou 300 Logements, BAMAKO (ML) (57) La présente invention se rapporte à un dispositif d’alimentation de secours à une charge lorsque la source d’alimentation tombe en panne. L’invention concerne un dispositif comportant un onduleur (1) et plusieurs batteries (2) de stockage d’énergie qui sont rechargées en permanence par l’onduleur (1). Le courant de l’onduleur est raccordé sur un disjoncteur différentiel (3) et un disjoncteur magnétothermique (4) réglable qui permet de régler, en utilisation, l’intensité du courant de l'onduleur en fonction de la charge. Ledit onduleur à batteries étant composé d’un wattmètre digital (6) branché entre la charge et l’onduleur (1). Les 2 lampes témoins (6 et 7) indiquent la présence du courant du secteur et l’onduleur. Un commutateur (8) muni d’un levier installé entre l’onduleur à batterie et la charge permet à l’utilisateur de choisir le mode manuel ou automatique. L’ensemble de ses composantes est installé dans un boîtier et connecté avec un câble électrique entre une source de courant et les appareils à utiliser pour pallier les coupures et microcoupures après interruption de la source d’alimentation.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 14 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21036 (51) A61K 31/53 (2018.01); A61P 5/14 (2018.01); C07D 401/14 (2018.01); C07D 403/12 (2018.01) ; C07D 403/14 (2018.01) (21) 1202100500 - PCT/US2020/031904 (22) 07/05/2020 (30) US n° 62/845.252 du 08/05/2019; US n° 62/944,052 du 05/12/2019; US n° 63/005,661 du 06/04/2020 (54) Modulators of Thr-ß and methods of use thereof. (72) VANDYCK, Koen (BE); RABOISSON, Pierre, Jean-Marie, Bernard (BE); DEVAL, Jerome (US) et MCGOWAN, David (BE) (73) ALIGOS THERAPEUTICS, INC., 1 Corporate Drive, 2nd Floor, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, California 94080 (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Disclosed herein are compounds of Formula (I) TL-La-CR-HD or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, prodrug, amide or ester thereof, where i) TL is a moiety of Formula IIa, lIb, IlIa, Illb, IIIc, or IIId; ii) CE is a moiety of Formula IV; iii) HD is a moiety of Formula V or VI; where the substitucnts are as defined herein. Disclosed are also pharmaceutical compositions comprising the above compounds, and methods of treating disease by administering or contact a patient with one or more of the above compounds. Formula (I) Formula IIa, lIb, IlIa, Illb, IIIc, or IIId; Formula IV; Formula V or VI;
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 15 Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21037 (51) A61K 47/68 (2018.01) (21) 1202100526 - PCT/US2020/033602 (22) 19/05/2020 (30) US n° 62/850,098 du 20/05/2019 (54) Mcl-1 inhibitor antibody-drug conjugates and methods of use. (72) GENESTE, Olivier (FR); KOTSCHY, Andras (HU); SIPOS, Szabolcs (HU); BURGER, Matthew, T. (US); CHANRION, Maia (FR); COLLAND, Frédéric (FR); CSEKEI, Marton (HU); DELACOUR, Lea (LU); DESOS, Patrice (FR); HENLIN, Jean-Michel (FR); KOSTOVA, Vesela (FR); MARAGNO, Ana, Leticia (FR); MCNEILL, Eric (US); PALERMO, Mark, G. (US); ROCCHETTI, Francesca (FR); STARCK, Jérôme (FR); YU, Bing (US); ZHANG, Qiang (US); CHEN, Zhuoliang (US); NAKAJIMA, Katsumasa (US); D'ALESSIO, Joseph, Anthony (US); BLANKENSHIP, John, William (US) et PROSZENYÁK, Ágnes (HU) (73) 1- Novartis AG, Lichtstrasse 35, 4056 BASEL (CH) et 2- Les Laboratoires Servier, 35 rue de Verdun, 92284 SURESNES Cedex (FR) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Anti-CD74 antibody-drug conjugates are disclosed. The anti-CD74 antibody-drug conjugates comprise an Mcl-1 inhibitor dnig moiety and an anti-CD74 antibody or antigenbinding fragment thereof that binds an antigen target, e.g.. an antigen expressed on a tumor or other cancer cell. The disclosure further relates to methods and compositions for use in the treatment of cancers by administering the antibody-drug conjugates provided herein. Linkerdrug conjugates comprising an Mcl-1 inhibitor drug moiety and methods of making same arc also disclosed. Formula (I) Consulter le mémoire
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 16 (11) 21038 (51) G01N 33/569 (2018.01) ; G01N 33/92 (2018.01) (21) 1202200108 - PCT/EP2020/077014 (22) 25/09/2020 (30) EP n° 19306200.7 du 25/09/2019 (54) A novel complex formed between the flaviviral non-structural NS1 protein and plasma lipoproteins. (72) FLAMAND, Marie (FR); PARK, Kyu-Ho Paul (FR); BENFRID, Souheyla (FR); TAMIETTI, Carole (FR); VOSS, James (FR); COULIBALY, Fasséli (AU); DUONG, Veasna (KH); DUSSART, Philippe (KH); SAKUNTABHAI, Anavaj (FR); GIAI GIANETTO, Quentin (FR); MATONDO, Mariette (FR); DELLAROLE, Mariano (FR); BONTEMS, François (FR) et REY, Félix (FR) (73) 1-Institut Pasteur, 25 - 28 rue du Docteur Roux, 75724 PARIS Cédex 15 (FR); 2-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS -, 3, rue Michel Ange, 75016 PARIS (FR) et 3-Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, 5 Boulevard Monivong, B.P. 983, PHNOM PENH (KH) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The invention concerns methods for early detection, monitoring and prognosis of a flavivirusinduced infection, comprising the detection of a complex formed by the flavivirus non-structural glycoprotein NS1 and plasma lipoprotein particles in a biological sample during the clinical phase of the infection. Fig. 5 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21039 (51) C12G 3/04 (2006.01) C12G 3/00 (2006.01) (21) 1202200482 (22) 11/11/2022 (54) Composition et conservation de boisson à faible teneur en alcool à base de vin de palmier raphia et son procédé de préparation. (72) Monsieur Henri DJOMBO (CG) (73) Monsieur Henri DJOMBO, n° 2, Avenue Bayardelle, Centre-ville, BRAZZAVILLE (CG) (57) L’invention concerne une composition et conservation de boisson à faible teneur en alcool et son procédé de préparation. Cette boisson à faible teneur en alcool est faite à base d’un mélange de 81,27 % de vin de palmier raphia ; 12,41 % d’extrait naturel de l’écorce d’acajou et de 6,32 % de saccharose. Elle est de couleur brunâtre et d’un goût doux-amer, légèrement acidulé avec un pH de 5,4 et se conserve à l’air libre dans un milieu frais et sec à l’abri du soleil pendant un an.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 17 Planche unique Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21040 (51) C10G 45/72 (2018.01); C10G 7/00 (2018.01) ; F28D 15/06 (2018.01) (21) 1202200244 - PCT/US2020/066248 (22) 18/12/2020 (30) US n° 62/949,892 du 18/12/2019 (54) System And Method For Processing Feedstock With Volatile Components. (72) MILLER, P.W. Miller (US); NDIONE, Paul F. (US) et FALCONER, Ross A. (US) (73) 1-FALCONER, Ross A., 216 S. J St. Lompoc, CA 93436 (US); 2-MILLER, P.W. Miller, 640 Nash Ave, #A, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (US) et 3-NDIONE, Paul F., 10930 W. Florida Ave, Apt. 621, Lakewood. CO 80232 (US) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS SARL, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Methods and apparatus for processing hydrocarbon and other feedstocks that contain lighter volatile component(s) along with heavier volatile or non-volatile component(s) and/or contaminant(s). The principal benefit being that a feedstock can be processed and separated into its distinct volatile components down to elemental and/or molecular levels, including the ability to handle the heaviest tars and bitumen within the system. This effectively provides onsite value add to the feedstock resource (minus the waste streams such as water, sulfur, or sand; which may have value as isolated components in their own right). The system is robust and can include innovative hardware, methods, and/or software. The system can isolate water, chemical, various hydrocarbon, and particle contaminants of arbitrary concentrations and sizes. These factors provide for significant increases in processing efficiencies and capabilities in the fields of refining and environmental recovery. In a variety of operating scenarios, near-zero emissions can be achieved while processing.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 18 Fig. 6 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21041 (51) C07K 7/02 (2018.01); C07K 7/04 (2018.01) ; C07K 7/08 (2018.01) (21) 1202200275 - PCT/US2021/013463 (22) 14/01/2021 (30) US n° 62/961,624 du 15/01/2020 (54) Peptide inhibitors of interleukin-23 receptor and their use to treat inflammatory diseases. (72) FREDERICK, Brian Troy (US); SOMANI, Sandeep (US); BOURNE, Gregory Thomas (US); PATCH, Raymond (US); BHANDARI, Ashok (US); INGENITO, Raffaele (IT); COSTANTE, Roberto (IT); BRANCA, Danila (IT); BIANCHI, Elisabetta (IT) et SUN, Chengzao (US) (73) 1-JANSSEN BIOTECH, INC., 800/850 Ridgeview Drive, HORSHAM, Pennsylvania 19044 (US) et 2-PROTAGONIST THERAPEUTICS, INC., 7707 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 140, NEWARK, California 94560 (US) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention provides novel peptide inhibitors of the interleukin-23 receptor, and related compositions and methods of using these peptide inhibitors to treat or prevent a variety of diseases and disorders, including inflammatory bowel diseases. (2Pal); (3Pal) or (4Pal) and
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 19 5 Pyal Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21042 (51) A01N 25/30 (2018.01); A01N 57/20 (2018.01) ; A01P 13/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200346 - PCT/IB2021/051368 (22) 18/02/2021 (30) IN n° 202021008723 du 29/02/2020 (54) An agrochemical composition. (72) BHOGE, Satish Ekanath (IN) et MONDAL, Achintya (IN) (73) UPL LIMITED, UPL House, 610 B/2 Bandra Village, Off Western Express Highway, BandraEast, MUMBAI, Maharashtra 400051 (IN) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to an agrochemical composition for improving the effectiveness of an herbicide, such as glyphosate and glufosinate, using non-ionic surfactants and electrolytes in order to enhance stomatal penetration. Also provided is a method of controlling undesirable plants using said compositions. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21043 (51) A61K 31/167 (2018.01); A61K 31/37 (2018.01); A61K 31/4738 (2018.01); A61K 31/7056 (2018.01); A61K 38/21 (2018.01); A61K 45/06 (2018.01) ; A61P 31/14 (2018.01) (21) 1202200386 - PCT/KR2021/003742 (22) 25/03/2021 (30) KR n° 10-2020-0037135 du 26/03/2020 (54) Pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating epidemic RNA viral infectious disease. (72) RYU Jei Man (KR); JU Chung (KR); CHUNG Hyun Kyu (KR) et CHO Geum Sil (KR)
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 20 (73) Shin Poong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 7, Wonsi-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, GYEONGGI-DO 15610 (KR) (74) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to a use of pyronaridine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and/or artemisinin or a derivative thereof for preventing or treating an epidemic RNA viral infectious disease, and more specifically, to a pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating an epidemic RNA viral infectious disease, in particular, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19), the composition comprising a therapeutically effective amount of pyronaridine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and/or artemisinin or a derivative thereof, together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Fig. 4 Consulter le mémoire (11) 21044 (51) C10G 1/00 (2018.01) ; C10G 1/06 (2018.01) (21) 1202200404 - PCT/EP2021/059794 (22) 15/04/2021 (30) US n° 63/010,079 du 15/04/2020; US n° 63/122,475 du 08/12/2020 (54) Methods for production of bio-crude oil. (72) BACHMANN NIELSEN Joachim (DK) (73) Kvasir Technologies ApS, c/o Alfa Laval, Maskinvej 5, 2860 SØBORG (DK) (74) Cabinet ÉKÉMÉ LYSAGHT SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Where thermochemical liquefaction of lignocellulosic biomass is conducted using recirculated product oil as solvent, yields can be substantially increased by addition of a short chain alcohol reactant such as ethanol or methanol. A synergistic effect is thereby obtained where liquefaction is improved over using either recycled product oil or alcohol alone. The combination of recirculated product oil and alcohol reactant permits high onversion at operating pressures considerably lower than typically applied in alcohol solvolysis, typically within the range 30-60 bar. The liquefaction reaction occurs at subcritical pressure where the alcohol acts as a gaseous reactant and not as a solvent.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 21 Fig. 23 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21045 (51) A01N 25/10 (2018.01); A01N 59/02 (2018.01); A01N 59/20 (2018.01) ; A01P 3/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200411 - PCT/IB2021/053291 (22) 21/04/2021 (30) IN n° 202011017328 du 22/04/2020 (54) Laminarin based formulation for agricultural applications. (72) LECOLLINET, Gregory (MU) et PIROTTE, Alan Bruno (MU) (73) 1-UPL CORPORATION LIMITED, 5th Floor, Newport Building, Louis Pasteur Street, PORT LOUIS (MU) et 2-UPL EUROPE LTD., The Centre, 1st Floor, Birchwood Park, WARRINGTON, Cheshire, WA3 6YN (GB) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to a composition comprising water soluble actives such as laminarin. Particularly, the present invention relates to a stable composition comprising water soluble actives such as laminarin and a polyol. The present invention also relates to a process for the preparation of said composition and method of use thereof. Formula (I) Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21046 (51) A61K 31/7072 (2018.01); A61K 31/7076 (2018.01) ; A61P 31/14 (2018.01) (21) 1202200416 - PCT/EP2021/059504 (22) 13/04/2021 (30) EP n° 20169480.9 du 14/04/2020 (54) BI- and monocyclic nucleoside analogs for treatment of hepatitis E. (72) JONCKERS, Tim, Hugo, Maria (BE); PAUWELS, Frederik (BE) et DEBING, Yannick (BE) (73) JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., 1125 Trenton-Harbourton Road, TITUSVILLE, New Jersey 08560 (US)
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 22 (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present disclosure is directed toward bi- and monocyclic nucleoside analogs, compositions comprising these compounds, and their use for treating hepatitis E infections. Formula (I) Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21047 (51) A61K 36/48 (2018.01); A61K 39/215 (2018.01); A61P 25/00 (2018.01) ; A61P 31/14 (2018.01) (21) 1202200424 (22) 14/10/2022 (54) Composition médicinale à base de l'albizia Dinklagei pour le traitement de la covid 19 et ses complications cérébrales. (72) Cheick Mohamed ALI KELA (CM) et TIA SONWA Amélie Judith (CM) (73) 1- Cheick Mohamed ALI KELA (CM) et 2- TIA SONWA Amélie Judith (CM) (57) La présente invention concerne une composition médicinale principale obtenue pour le traitement de la COVID 19 et ses complications cérébrales, le paludisme cérébral, les pathologies cérébrales et l'intoxication alimentaire. La composition médicinale est composée du principe actif de Yalbizia extraite de la poudre de Pécorce de Valbizia Dinklagei, (HARMS) HAMRS de la famille Fabaceae, genre Mimosodeae, de l'éthanol et de l'eau distillée. Le mélange après toutes ses étapes d'extraction donne la composition médicinale de la présente invention. Cette composition médicinale peut se présenter sous la forme de comprimés ou gélules ou liquide et conserver à une température de 25°C pendant (02) deux ans après conditionnement. Elle est utilisée à titre curative comme préventive. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21048 (51) B09B 3/00 (2018.01); C01B 25/238 (2018.01); C01G 11/00 (2018.01); C01G 13/00 (2018.01); C01G 21/00 (2018.01); C22B 3/16 (2018.01); C22B 3/44 (2018.01); C22B 7/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200433 - PCT/EP2021/066179 (22) 16/06/2021 (30) EP n° 20180341.8 du 16/06/2020; EP n° 20195118.3 du 08/09/2020 (54) Process for the removal of heavy metals from a phosphoric acid containing composition. (72) KITA, Patrycja (PL); VOJNOVIC, Tanja (NO); JØRGENSEN, Tom Rames (NO) et BØYESEN, Katrine (NO) (73) YARA INTERNATIONAL ASA, Drammensveien 131, 0277 OSLO (NO) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present disclosure provides improved methods for the removal of heavy metals, in particular cadmium, from an aqueous phosphoric acid containing composition, using an organothiophosphorous heavy metal precipitating agent to said composition, wherein the reaction
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 23 between the heavy metals, in particular cadmium, and the organothiophosphorous precipitating agent is performed at a pH ranging between 1.6 and 2.0 measured after a 13-fold dilution by volume. Advantageously, an ionic polymer, particularly a cationic and/or an anionic poly(meth)acrylamide copolymer may be used to promote heavy metal precipitation and/or to facilitate the removal of the precipitates from the composition. More in particular, the phosphoric acid containing composition is obtained by the acid digestion of phosphate rock, preferably by nitric acid, sulfuric acid, or a combination thereof. Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21049 (51) B09B 3/00 (2018.01); C01B 25/234 (2018.01); C01G 11/00 (2018.01); C01G 13/00 (2018.01); C01G 21/00 (2018.01); C22B 3/16 (2018.01); C22B 3/44 (2018.01) ; C22B 7/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200434 - PCT/EP2021/066174 (22) 16/06/2021 (30) EP n° 20180341.8 du 16/06/2020; EP n° 20195106.8 du 08/09/2020 (54) Process for the removal of heavy metals from a phosphoric acid containing composition using a flocculating agent. (72) KITA, Patrycja (PL); VOJNOVIC, Tanja (NO); JØRGENSEN, Tom Rames (NO) et JORDBRÆK, Per Arne (NO) (73) YARA INTERNATIONAL ASA, Drammensveien 131, 0277 OSLO (NO) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present disclosure provides improved methods for the removal of heavy metals, in particular cadmium, from an aqueous phosphoric acid containing composition, wherein an ionic polymeric flocculating agent is added to a phosphoric acid containing composition subsequent to the addition of an organothiophosphorous heavy metal precipitating agent to said composition, particularly under gentle mixing conditions, such as between 100 and 300 rpm. The flocculating agent promotes the formation of agglomerates of the heavy metal containing precipitate, thus facilitating their removal from the composition. More in particular, the phosphoric acid containing composition is obtained by the acid digestion of phosphate rock; Dreferably by nitric acid, sulfuric acid, or a combination thereof. Fig. 1
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 24 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21050 (51) B09B 3/00 (2018.01); C01B 25/234 (2018.01); C01G 11/00 (2018.01); C01G 13/00 (2018.01); C01G 21/00 (2018.01); C22B 3/16 (2018.01); C22B 3/44 (2018.01) ; C22B 7/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200435 - PCT/EP2021/066244 (22) 16/06/2021 (30) EP n° 20180341.8 du 16/06/2020 (54) Method for treating solid hazardous heavy metal-containing compositions. (72) KITA, Patrycja (PL); VOJNOVIC, Tanja (NO); SUND, Lene (NO); JØRGENSEN, Tom Rames (NO) et BØYESEN, Katrine Lie (NO) (73) YARA INTERNATIONAL ASA, Drammensveien 131, 0277 OSLO (NO) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present disclosure discloses a method for converting a solid hazardous heavy metalcontaining composition into a solid non-hazardous heavy metal-containing composition and an aqueous composition essentially free of heavy metal. The method comprises the steps of a) mixing and dissolving the solid hazardous heavy metal-containing composition with an acid solution, thereby obtaining an hazardous heavy metal acid composition; b) precipitating the heavy metal from the hazardous heavy metal acid composition by: measuring the pH of the acid composition after a 13-fold dilution by volume using water, and adjusting the pH of the solid hazardous heavy metal-containing composition to at least 0.9 if the measured pH is below 0.9; and by reacting the hazardous heavy metal acid composition with a heavy metal-precipitation agent; and c) precipitating the heavy metal from the hazardous heavy metal acid composition by adjusting the pH value of the composition to a value of at least 0.9 if the pH measured in step b) is below 0.9 and by reacting with a heavy metalprecipitation agent; and d) separating out the heavy metal precipitate from the aqueous supernatant, whereby the solid inert heavy metalcontaining composition comprises the heavy metal precipitate and the aqueous composition essentially free of heavy metal comprises the aqueous supernatant. The heavy metalprecipitation agent comprises a diorganodithiophosphinic acid or the alkali metal or ammonia salts thereof represented by Formula 1 wherein R is a linear or branched hydrocarbon group selected from alkyl, aryl, alkylaryl, or aralkyl, and wherein the hydrocarbon group contains 3 to 20 carbon atoms, and M is H, alkali metal or ammonia. The present disclosure further relates to the use of the heavy metal-precipitation agent for converting the solid hazardous heavy metal-containing composition into the solid nonhazardous heavy metal-containing composition and the aqueous composition essentially free of heavy metal.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 25 Planche 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21051 (51) B09B 3/00 (2018.01); C01B 25/238 (2018.01); C01G 21/00 (2018.01); C01G 28/00 (2018.01); C01G 28/00 (2018.01); C01G 9/00 (2018.01); C02F 1/54 (2018.01) ; C02F 1/56 (2018.01) (21) 1202200436 - PCT/EP2021/066246 (22) 16/06/2021 (30) EP n° 20180341.8 du 16/06/2020; EP n° 20195110.0 du 08/09/2020 (54) Process for the removal of heavy metals from a phosphoric acid containing composition using an ionic polymeric surfactant and use of said surfactant in the precipitation of heavy metals in a phosphoric acid containing composition. (72) KITA, Patrycja (PL); VOJNOVIC, Tanja (NO) et BØYESEN, Katrine Lie (NO) (73) YARA INTERNATIONAL ASA, Drammensveien 131, 0277 OSLO (NO) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present disclosure provides improved methods for the removal of heavy metals, in particular cadmium, from an aqueous phosphoric acid containing composition, wherein an organothiophosphorous heavy metal precipitating agent and an ionic polymeric surfactant, particularly a cationic polyacrylamide copolymer surfactant, are both added to a phosphoric acid containing composition, particularly under vigorous mixing conditions, such as between 500 and 700 rpm. The ionic polymeric surfactant promotes the precipitation of the heavy metals. More in particular, the phosphoric acid containing composition is obtained by the acid digestion of phosphate rock, preferably by nitric acid, sulfuric acid, or a combination thereof. Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21052 (51) A61P 3/00 (2018.01); A61P 35/00 (2018.01); A61P 7/00 (2018.01); C07D 401/04 (2018.01); C07D 401/14 (2018.01); C07D 403/04 (2018.01); C07D 405/14 (2018.01) ; C07D 413/14 (2018.01)
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 26 (21) 1202200442 - PCT/US2021/029574 (22) 28/04/2021 (30) US n° 63/016,891 du 28/04/2020; US n° 63/127,774 du 18/12/2020 (54) Cycloalkyl pyrimidines as ferroportin inhibitors. (72) LI, Zhe (US); XU, Qing (US); ALT, Carsten (US); NILAR, Shahul (US); RADEMACHER, Peter Michael (US) et YEE, Calvin Wesley (US) (73) GLOBAL BLOOD THERAPEUTICS, INC., 181 Oyster Point Blvd., SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, California 94080 (US) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The subject matter described herein is directed to ferroportin inhibitor compounds of Formula I or I' and pharmaceutical salts thereof, methods of preparing the compounds, pharmaceutical compositions comprising the compounds, and methods of administering the compounds for prophylaxis and/or treatment of diseases caused by a lack of hepcidin or iron metabolism disorders, particularly iron overload states, such as thalassemia, sickle cell disease and hemochromatosis, and also kidney injuries. Compounds of Formula I Compounds of Formula I’ Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21053 (51) A01N 57/20 (2018.01) ; C07K 14/415 (2018.01) (21) 1202200443 - PCT/US2021/028920 (22) 23/04/2021 (30) US n° 63/016,904 du 28/04/2020 (54) Plant regulatory elements and uses thereof. (72) FLASINSKI, Stanislaw (US) et CHITTOOR, Jaishree, M. (US) (73) MONSANTO TECHNOLOGY LLC, 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard, ST LOUIS, MO 63167 (US) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The invention provides recombinant DNA molecules and constructs, as well as their nucleotide sequences, useful for modulating gene expression in plants. The invention also provides transgenic plants, plant cells, plant parts, and seeds comprising the recombinant DNA molecules operably linked to heterologous transcribable DNA molecules, as are methods of their use.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 27 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21054 (51) A23C 11/10 (2018.01); A23L 2/38 (2018.01); A23L 2/66 (2018.01) ; A23L 25/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200444 - PCT/EP2021/060907 (22) 27/04/2021 (30) EP n° 20171571.1 du 27/04/2020; EP n° 20208604.7 du 19/11/2020 (54) Methods of processing culinary nuts and extraction products obtained by the same. (72) HÜHN, Tilo (CH) et LAUX, Roland (CH) (73) 1-RE-NUT AG, Rosenbergstrasse 8, 9000 ST. GALLEN (CH) et 2-ZÜRCHER HOCHSCHULE FÜR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFTEN, Campus Grüental, 8820 WÄDENSWIL (CH) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) Described are methods and/or techniques for the production of culinary nut extracts, which simultaneously result in extracts and non-dairy products with favorable organoleptic properties, tasty appearance and high yields of nutritionally useful components, and which may be performed in a simple, rapid and cost-effective manner. In addition, the described methods are capable of processing in-shell culinary nuts to make effective use of the high contents of bioactive materials present in shell material. Specifically, the invention relates to a method for processing culinary nuts, comprising the steps of: a) adding water to culinary nuts to form a suspension; b) wet grinding said suspension in one or more steps to an average particle size of less than 100 |jm; and c) separating the suspension into at least a solid phase comprising culinary nut solids and a liquid phase comprising culinary nut milk. Furthermore, a nut milk, edible nut-based products comprising the solid phase obtained by the aforementioned method or the nut milk, as well as nut oil extracts are disclosed. Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21055 (51) A61K 31/437 (2018.01); A61P 35/00 (2018.01); C07D 471/04 (2018.01) ; C07D 519/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200449 - PCT/IB2021/053522 (22) 28/04/2021 (30) US n° 63/018,689 du 01/05/2020 (54) Azalactam compounds as HPK1 inhibitors. (72) CHO-SCHULTZ, Sujin (US); KANIA, Robert Steven (US); ZHOU, Dahui (US); TUTTLE, Jamison Bryce (US);
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 28 MCTIGUE, Michele Ann (US); JALAIE, Mehran (US); GALLEGO, Rebecca Anne (US); ZHOU, Ru (US); HE, Mingying (US); SCHMITT, Anne-Marie Dechert (US); BARBER, Joyann (US); DEL BEL, Matthew L (US) et NAIR, Sajiv Krishnan (US) (73) PFIZER INC., 235 East 42nd Street, NEW YORK, New York 10017 (US) (74) S.C.P AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, n° 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) This invention relates to compounds of general Formula Formula (I) and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, in which R1, R2, R3a, R3b, and R4 are as defined herein, to pharmaceutical compositions comprising such compounds and salts, and to methods of using such compounds, salts and compositions for the treatment of abnormal cell growth, including cancer. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21056 (51) A61K 31/185 (2018.01); A61K 31/41 (2018.01); A61K 31/549 (2018.01); A61K 9/00 (2018.01); A61K 9/12 (2018.01); A61P 7/10 (2018.01); A61P 9/00 (2018.01) ; A61P 9/12 (2018.01) (21) 1202200450 - PCT/EP2021/061917 (22) 05/05/2021 (30) EP n° 20305447.3 du 06/05/2020 (54) Pharmaceutical combination comprising a brain aminopeptidase a inhibitor, a diuretic and a blocker of the systemic reninangiotensin system. (72) BALAVOINE, Fabrice (FR); LLORENS-CORTES, Catherine (FR) et MARC, Yannick (FR) (73) 1-QUANTUM GENOMICS, 33, rue Marbeuf, 75008 PARIS (FR); 2-INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE, 101, rue de Tolbiac, 75013 PARIS (FR); 3-CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, 3, rue Michel Ange, 75016 PARIS (FR) et 4-COLLEGE DE FRANCE, 11, Place Marcelin Berthelot, 75005 PARIS (FR) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical combination comprising (i) firibastat, (ii) a diuretic and (iii) a blocker of the systemic reninangiotensin system selected from the group consisting of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1R) antagonists. Said composition is particularly useful for the treatment of hypertension and related diseases and conditions.
BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 29 Fig. 5 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21057 (51) B65G 65/20 (2018.01); E02F 3/18 (2018.01) ; E02F 3/24 (2018.01) (21) 1202200451 - PCT/EP2021/059343 (22) 09/04/2021 (30) EP n° 20174563.5 du 14/05/2020 (54) Bucket wheel and method for pivoting at least one bucket of a bucket wheel, and bridge bucket wheel device. (72) SICKER, Patrick (DE) et SAMIEC, Florian (DE) (73) FAM MINERALS & MINING GMBH, Sudenburger Wuhne 47, 39112 MAGDEBURG (DE) (74) Cabinet BONNY & ASSOCIÉS, LAW FIRM, B.P. 35349, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The present invention relates to a bucket wheel (1), in particular for the continuous removing of material of a bulk material stockpile, with a fixed inner ring (2), an outer ring (3) rotatable relative to the inner ring, an retaining ring (5) lockable to the outer ring and at least one pivotable bucket (4), wherein the retaining ring, in a locked condition, holds each bucket in an end position abutting the outer ring and, in a condition unlocked from the outer ring, rotation of the outer ring relative to the retaining ring allows pivotal movement of each bucket about its pivot axis (44). Further, the present invention provides a bridge bucket wheel apparatus having a trolley (10) mounted on a bridge and such a bucket wheel, and a method of pivoting at least one bucket of such a bucket wheel. Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21058 (51) H04L 29/12 (2018.01); H04W 84/00 (2018.01) (21) 1202200452 - PCT/CN2021/094869 (22) 20/05/2021 (30) CN n° PCT/CN2020/091899 du 22/05/2020 (54) IP address allocation in a wireless communication network. (72) YANG, Yong (SE); HE, Yingjiao (CN); LU, Yunjie (CN) et ZHANG, Wen (CN)