Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Brevets d'Invention du 09 octobre 2023

BOPI 07 BR/2023 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 38 Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire ________________________________________ (11) 21070 (51) C22B 3/10 (2018.01); C22B 34/22 (2018.01) ; C22B 5/10 (2018.01) (21) 1202200490 - PCT/IB2021/054414 (22) 21/05/2021 (30) US n° 63/028,616 du 22/05/2020 (54) Heap leaching. (72) FILMER, Anthony Owen (AU); BILEY, Christopher Alan (ZA) et ALEXANDER, Daniel John (Deceased) (GB) (73) 1- Anglo American Technical & Sustainability Services Ltd, 17 Charterhouse Street, LONDON, EC1N 6RA, United Kingdom (GB) et 2- Anglo Corporate Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, 144 Oxford Road, 2196 Rosebank (ZA) (74) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS Sarl, The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) This invention relates to a method of recovering metal values such as gold, copper, nickel, zinc and uranium from ores containing said metal values. The method includes the steps of crushing an ore (10) to provide a sand containing metal values with a P80 of less than 5mm but greater than 1mm; classifying the sand (12) to remove a finer fraction to provide classified sand with a P10 of greater than 0.15mm, and a P90/P10 ratio of less than 25 and greater than 3, forming a heap (18) from the classified sand, and distributing leachant and air through the heap to leach the values from the sand in a pregnant leachate, from which the leached values may be recovered. The invention also relates to a heap formed from ore processed by this method. Fig. 1 Consulter le mémoire