Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des brevets d'invention

BOPI 01 BR / 2025 REPERTOIRE NUMERIQUE 20 offset demand for scarce native sand resources, while also effecting the conversion of gaseous carbon dioxide to dissolved or solid-phase products thereby offsetting impacts of anthropogenic climate change. Figure 49 ________________________________________ (11) 21770 Consulter le mémoire (51) B63B 77/00 (2023.01); E02B 17/02 (2023.01); E02D 27/52 (2023.01) ; F25J 1/02 (2023.01) (21) 1202400185 - PCT/RU2022/000288 (22) 22/09/2022 (30) RU n° 2021134310 du 24/11/2021 (54) Integrated liquefied natural gas (LNG) production facility on a gravity-based structure (GBS). (72) MIKHELSON, Leonid Viktorovich (RU); SOLOVYEV, Sergey Gennadyevich (RU) et RETIVOV Valeriy Nikolaevich (RU) (73) PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ‘‘NOVATEK’’, ul. Pobedy, 22a Purovskiy r-n, Tyumenskaya obl., YamaloNenetskiy avtonomnyy okrug, Tarko-Sale, 629850, Russian Federation (RU) (74) AMINOU NDALA TITA, NAT AFRICA, SCI Express Résidence, Quartier Intendance, YAOUNDE (CM). (57) The invention pertains to production facilities and can be used for development of near-shore and offshore integrated liquefied natural gas (LNG) production complexes on gravity-based structures. The LNG production complex comprises a gravity-based structure (GBS), with the GBS top slab, on which topside modules are located, including interconnecting modules 35-38 along the centerline of GBS top slab 2, and equipment modules at least some of which are lined up on each side of interconnecting modules 35-38. Liquid storage tanks 12, 15, 17 are located inside the GBS. Equipment modules include: the first row on one side of interconnecting modules 35-37: at least one module 28 of recepyion installations, a condensate stabilization installation, and an acid gas removal installation, and at least one module 32 (33) of mixed refrigerant compressors, the second row on the other side of interconnecting modules 35-37: