BOPI n° 01MQ/2022 du 28 janvier 2022 du n° 125168 au n° 125732

BOPI 01MQ/2022 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES 116 (731) SOCIETE NOUVELLE DE BOISSONS (SNB) SA, Quartier Tokoin-Bata, rue des hydrocarbures (P/Golfe) 04 B.P. 750, LOME 04 (TG) (740) SCP ELI & PIERRE,1295, Avenue Pya, quartier Djidjolé, Face à la Station d'essence TOTAL, 18 B.P. 276, LOME 08 (TG). ________________________________________ (111) 125429 (210) 3202103876 (220) 08/11/2021 (511) 35, 36, 37, 39 et 43 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 35 : Publicité ; services d'agences d'import-export ; services d'agences de publicité ; décoration de vitrines ; gérance administrative d'hôtels. Classe 36 : Services d'agences immobilières ; courtage ; gérance de biens immobiliers. Classe 37 : Construction ; extraction minière ; réalisation de revêtements routiers ; supervision [direction] de travaux de construction. Classe 39 : Affrètement ; fret [transport de marchandises] ; livraison de marchandises/distribution [livraison] de produits ; transport ; transport de passagers ; transport de voyageurs ; location de véhicules ; location de voitures ; entreposage / emmagasinage / stockage ; organisation de transports dans le cadre de circuits touristiques. Classe 43 : Services d'agences de logement [hôtels, pensions] ; services de bars ; services hôteliers ; services de restaurants. (540) (731) Akotchayé Gabriel Oscar DAAGA, Boulevard du Mono, Immeuble UNITRADE 07, B.P. 13439, LOME (TG) Couleurs revendiquées: Blanc, bleu et noir. ________________________________________ (111) 125430 (210) 3202103877 (220) 15/11/2021 (300) US n° 90845966 du 23/07/2021 (511) 35 et 42 Produits ou services désignés: Class 35 : Human resources management; payroll processing, preparation, and administration; tax deposit filing and reporting; employee time and attendance record keeping; employee leasing; providing electronic payroll tax preparation; outsourcing services in the fields of human resources, human capital management (HCM), recruitment and staffing; employment recruiting and staffing consultation; personnel recruitment services; talent management; timekeeping services for others; providing data processing, management and recordkeeping services to businesses and employers in the fields of business management, employment data, employment statistical, and payroll, and financial record keeping data services to businesses and employers; providing on-line employment placement services, namely, matching résumés and potential employers via a global computer network; employment agencies; employment hiring, recruiting, placement, staffing and career networking services; testing to determine employment skills; financial record keeping for pension accruement and payment purposes, and for regulatory compliance purposes; conducting employee surveys for others for purposes of improving employee performance and morale; business administration of employee benefit plans concerning legal services; claims administration in the field of unemployment compensation; financial record-keeping for regulatory compliance purposes; providing a website featuring information for employee benefits brokers and consultants in the fields of payroll processing, tax deposit filing and reporting, human resources management, business management, employee time and attendance record keeping for payroll purposes, pension record keeping for administration of the funds, employee recruiting and outsourcing; business management consulting; business management services; business advisory and consulting services relating to compliance with statutory, industry or best practice provisions; computerized database management services; statistical information services for business purposes; business consulting services provided to businesses and employers; business investigations; conducting business surveys; business research; business