BOPI n° 07MQ/2022 du 29 juillet 2022 du n° 127111 au 127531
BOPI 07MQ/2022 DEMANDES DES MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 178 deodorants, (other than for personal use); air freshening preparations; insect repellents. (540) (731) Unilever Global IP Limited, Port Sunlight, WIRRAL, Merseyside (GB) (740) SPOOR & FISHER (Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS SARL), The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées: Green, red and white. _______________________________________ (210) 3202201100 (220) 22/04/2022 (511) 29 Produits ou services désignés: (29) Dairy produce (for food); milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, edible cream, all especially in liquid, condensed, frozen or powder form; milk products (for food); UHT milk; milk drinks, mainly of milk or of skimmed milk; butter, cheese, yoghurt, whey for food (not as a beverage), sour milk products, butter preparations, cheese preparations, curds (quark); edible oils and fats, including butter oils, milk fat, milk semi-fats; milk products as semi-manufactured products for the foodstuffs industry; food products made substantially from milk, milk products edible oils or edible fats with or without water; dried (preserved) milk, as a foodstuff; desserts based on milk, cream, yogurt; edible spreads, mainly of a mixture of one or more dairy products, especially cheese, butter, cream, milk, skimmed milk or butter milk, with water or vegetable oil; bread spreads, mainly of a mixture of one or more dairy products, especially butter, cream, milk, skimmed milk or butter milk, with water, optionally with milk proteins; bread spreads mainly of cheese, with milk and/or skimmed milk, optionally with flavourings. (540) (731) Ornua Co-operative Limited, Grattan House, Lower Mount Street, DUBLIN 2 (IE) (740) SPOOR & FISHER (Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS SARL), The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées: Gold and black. _______________________________________ (210) 3202201101 (220) 22/04/2022 (511) 18 et 25 Produits ou services désignés: (18) Valises ; sacs pochettes ; cuir et imitations du cuir ; sacs à chaussures ; harnais ; sellerie ; sacs de plage ; peaux d'animaux ; trousses de toilette (vides) ; sacs à dos; malles ; porte-documents ; cannes ; porte-cartes ; cartables ; sacs de gymnastique ; fouets; parapluies; sacs de sport ; sacs banane ; sacs à main ; bagages ; portefeuilles ; parasols ; bourses ; porte-monnaie (non en métaux précieux). (25) Robes ; manteaux de pluie ; ceintures [habillement] ; combinaisons [vêtements de dessous] ; chapeaux ; foulards ; chandails ; caleçons [courts] ; chemises ; t-shirts ; vestes ; chemisettes ; maillots de sport ; jupes ; soutien- gorge ; chaussettes ; articles chaussants de sport ; espadrilles ; caleçons de bain ; chemisiers ; chemises polos ; cardigans ; souliers ; bas ; gilets ; cabans ; bottes ; manteaux ; costumes ; écharpes ; pantoufles ; bermudas ; salopettes ; pardessus ; cravates ; caleçons ; casquettes ; pyjamas ; souliers de sport ; blousons ; maillots de bain ; chasubles ; sandales ; bonnets ; pantalons et shorts de sport ; blazers ; semelles de chaussures ; sandales de bain ; parkas; jeans ; collants ; pantalons ; chemises décontractées ; peignoirs de bain ; gants [habillement] ; culottes ;
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