Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et services

BOPI 10MQ/2023 MARQUES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES 52 (111) 131823 (210) 3201400299 (220) 28/01/2014 (511) 30 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao, sucre, riz, tapioca, sagou, succédanés du café; farine et préparations faites de céréales, pain, pâtisserie et confiserie, glaces comestibles; miel; sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel, moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir. Sandwiches, pizzas; crêpes (alimentation); biscuiterie; gâteaux; biscottes; sucreries; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de chocolat ou de thé. (540) (731) FRANCO ASIAN ENTERPRISES SINGAPORE PTE LTD, 79, Anson Road # 21.01, SINGAPORE 079906 (SG) (740) Cabinet EKANI-CONSEILS, B.P. 5852, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (111) 131824 (210) 3202102257 (220) 28/04/2021 (511) 35 Produits ou services désignés: Class 35 : Advertising; business management; business administration; secretarial and clerical services; retail services; wholesale services. (540) (731) CARRINHO EMPREENDIMENTOS, S.A.,Rua de Sagres, n.° 6-A, Zona Comercial, LOBITO (AO) (740) Mendes MEDINA Ismael / MENDES Emilio Ano,Gabinete GB Legal, Avenida Don Settimio Artturu Ferrazzeta, SLN, Bairro De Luanda, BISSAU (GW). (111) 131825 (210) 3202103387 (220) 01/10/2021 (511) 38 et 42 Produits ou services désignés: Class 38 : Providing user access to global computer networks; providing user access to global computer networks; providing access to platforms on the internet; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; providing access to data in computer networks; providing access to computer networks; provision of telecommunications access to databases and the internet; providing access to databases in computer networks; providing access to electronic communications networks and electronic databases; providing user access to global computer networks; providing access to global computer networks and other computer networks; providing access to information via data networks; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or databases; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer databases and to the internet; providing user access to platforms on the internet; providing user access to portals on the internet; provision of access to an electronic marketplace [portal] on computer networks; providing access to platforms on the internet; providing access to platforms and portals on the internet; providing access to portals on the internet; Providing telecommunications connections to a global communication network or databases; providing telecommunications connections to databases; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network or databases; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or databases; provision of central switching services for electronic communications networks; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer databases and to the internet; transmission of vision via interactive multimedia networks; computer aided transmission of images; computer aided transmission of information and images; communication services provided electronically; communication services provided electronically; wireless electronic transmission of images; electronic transmission and retransmission of sounds, images, documents, messages and data; electronic transmission of images (services for the -); electronic transmission of images, photographs, graphic images and illustrations over a global computer network;