Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et des services

BOPI 13MQ/2023 DEMANDES DES MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 48 files, video files, music files and multimedia content; providing non-downloadable audio and visual recordings, podcasts, books, periodicals, musical recordings, movies, films and television shows; technical support services; computer help desk services; providing information relating to computer technology; providing information relating to computer programming; providing information relating to computer programs; providing computer hardware and software information online; graphic design services; creating and maintaining websites; hosting the websites of others; authenticating works of art; cloud computing services; computer rental; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; digitization of documents [scanning]; dress designing; graphic arts designing; packaging design; hosting online facilities for conducting interactive discussions; rental of computer software; rental of web servers; advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. (540) (731) Deep Dive LLC, 1209 Orange Street, WILMINGTON, Delaware 19801 (US) (740) S.C.P. AKKUM AKKUM & Associates, No. 1777, rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo II, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202301592 (220) 17/05/2023 (300) FR n° 224914179 du 18/11/2022 (511) 39, 41 et 43 Produits ou services désignés: (39) Services d'organisation de voyages, de croisières, d'excursions et de circuits touristiques, informations (renseignements) relatives aux voyages et aux circuits touristiques ; agences de tourisme (à l'exception de la réservation d'hôtels et de pensions) (services d'agence de voyage pour l'organisation de voyages) ; transport de voyageurs. (41) Services de divertissement ; organisation d'expositions à buts culturels ou éducatifs ; organisation de concours en matière d'éducation ou de divertissement ; organisation et conduite de colloques, conférences, congrès et séminaires ; services de musées (présentations, expositions) ; publication de livres, de magazines, de guides touristiques ; clubs de santé (mise en forme physique). (43) Services d'hôtellerie, de restauration (alimentation) ; services de bars ; hébergement temporaire ; services de réservation d'hôtels ; fourniture d'informations en matière d'hôtellerie, d'hébergement temporaire et de restauration ; réservation, prêt et location de salles, salons et espaces de conférences et de réunions. (540) (731) DHR Switzerland SA, c/o FIDEXIS SA, Bd de Pérolles 21, 1700 FRIBOURG (CH) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202301593 (220) 17/05/2023 (511) 39 Produits ou services désignés: (39) Transport; arranging of travel tours; arranging of cruises; boat and yacht rental; marina services; tourist offices and travel agencies services; arranging of tours; arranging and conducting cruises; organization of tours; organization of cruises; operating tours; operating cruises; escorting of travelers; transport of travelers; passenger transport; yacht and boat chartering services; parking garages services; parking place rental; car parking, car rental; booking of seats for travel; travel reservation services; travel agency services for arranging tours; travel arrangement; air transport; air transportation; baggage check-in services; airport baggage check-in services [not including security inspection]; cruise baggage check-in services; airport passenger check-in services; cruise passenger check-in services; providing flight arrival and departure information; providing cruise arrival and departure information; airport services; organization of travel; cruise ship