Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et de services

BOPI 17MQ/2023 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 69 Couleurs revendiquées: Toutes les couleurs du logo. __________________________________________ (111) 133456 (210) 3202300664 (220) 16/02/2023 (511) 41 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 41 : Education ; formation ; divertissement ; activités sportives et culturelles. (540) (731) Société AGRI-BAMBOU, Ilot 753-M/Briouse Jacqueline, Quartier Cadjèhoun, COTONOU (BJ). __________________________________________ (111) 133457 (210) 3202300665 (220) 23/02/2023 (511) 9, 16, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42 et 45 Produits ou services désignés: Class 9 : Sports betting and forecasting games; data processing software for information relating to games and sports information; magnetically encoded cards, chip cards, electronic cards; CD-ROMs, cards for electronic games; interactive games terminals; electronic apparatus enabling the consultation, completion and validation of forms and grids for forecasts, bets, games and competitions; electronic purse systems; data communication servers; games programs for controlling games and bets; computer programs for paying players online; website development software; computer software for creating dynamic websites; terminals for gaming (in particular for casino games), sports betting; telecommunications terminals and multimedia terminals relating to games (in particular casino games), sports betting and sports news. Class 16 : Printed materials, namely, manuals, pamphlets, booklets, books, magazines, posters and guides in the field of sports betting. Class 28 : Betting terminals; games machines, prepaid and token-operated games machines; electronic game apparatus for use online or offline; electronic table game apparatus with optical display screens; console gaming devices. Class 35 : Online retail services in relation to the sale of video and computer game hardware and software products. Class 38 : Provision of access to internet platforms and portals for the purpose of online gaming, transmission of videos, movies, pictures, images, text, photos, games, user-generated content, audio content, and information via the internet; providing online forums and instant messaging services for communication in relation to gaming and online gaming; providing access to computer databases in the fields of computer and video games. Class 41 : Casino facilities; betting and sporting forecast services; providing amusement arcade services; gambling; gambling services; games offered on-line on a computer network; organization of competitions (education or entertainment); organisation of games via the Internet, television, radio, mobile telephone and telecommunications systems; publication of books, newspapers and periodicals; publication of books, newspapers, periodicals and electronic media on the Internet or telecommunications systems, relating in particular to games, competitions, sports betting and pools, and sports information; production of films, television programmes and reports (entertainment), in particular in the field of sports, games, competitions, lotteries, sports betting and sports forecasting; consultancy and information relating to games, casino game competitions, sports, sports competitions and entertainment, competitions, lotteries, sports betting and sports forecasting; providing of assistance to players in the field of games, lotteries, sports betting and sports forecasting (providing of training); providing of facilities for casinos and bookmakers for sports betting and sports forecasting, namely rental of gaming tables, slot machines and gaming accessories including cards and tokens. Class 42 : Development of computer and video game software and programs; design of computer and video game software and programs; computer programming of computer and video games; design and development of computer game software; design and development of computer hardware for computer and video games; computer and video game software authoring; computer and video game software installation; computer and video game software maintenance; computer and video game software engineering; rental of computer and video game software. Classe 45 : Software licensing; licensing of computer games. (540)