Bulletin officiel de la Properiété Intellectuelle (BOPI)

BOPI 05MQ/2023 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 222 (210) 3202200984 (220) 11/04/2022 (511) 30 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 30 : Farine et préparations à base de céréales ; pain ; couscous ; pâtes alimentaires ; semoules ; farines ; fleur de farine ; vermicelles ; nouilles. (540) (731) LOGANDIS, 22, Bd. Abdelkrim EI Khattabi, Quartier Hippodrome, CASABLANCA (MA) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées: Rouge, jaune et blanc. __________________________________________ (111) 130247 (210) 3202200985 (220) 11/04/2022 (511) 29 et 30 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier ; extraits de viande ; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits ; gelées, confitures, compotes ; œufs ; lait et produits laitiers ; huiles et graisses comestibles. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao et succédanés du café ; riz ; tapioca et sagou ; farines et préparations faites de céréales ; pain, pâtisseries et confiseries ; glaces alimentaires ; sucre, miel, sirop de mélasse ; levure, poudre pour faire lever ; sel ; moutarde ; vinaigre, sauces [condiments] ; épices ; glace à rafraîchir. (540) (731) NOUVELLE CONSERVERIE DE BOUJDOUR, Tan Tan Frigo, Zone Industrielle Dakhla, DAKHLA (MA) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130248 (210) 3202200988 (220) 11/04/2022 (511) 34 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 34 : Cigarettes. (540) Paul (731) NOUBRU HOLDING S.A., B.P. 1342, YAOUNDE (CM) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), Bastos, Rue 1.862, B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130249 (210) 3202201008 (220) 13/04/2022 (511) 1, 2, 17 et 19 Produits ou services désignés: Class 1 : Chemicals for use in industry and science; industrial chemicals; concrete-aeration chemicals; synthetic resins; unprocessed resins; unprocessed polymer resins; chemical compounds, compositions, mixtures and preparations; epoxy resins; grinding aids for cement and concrete; strength enhancers for cement and concrete; additives for use in mixing concrete and cement; additives for use in binding concrete and cement; additives to accelerate the setting of concrete and cement; admixtures for cement, mortar, grout, plaster, aggregates and concrete; plasticisers; polymers; chemicals and preparations for adding to cementitious mixtures; chemical admixtures for concrete; concrete curing agents; chemical compositions for hardening concrete; bonding agents; compounds, chemicals, additives and agents to aid water retention in concrete, cement and constructional material; superplasticising admixtures; adhesives for use in industry; chemical coating compositions for use in the building, construction and civil engineering industries; chemical coatings for weatherproofing and waterproofing; chemical coatings for concrete, steel and other substrates; polymer coatings; chemical products for use in the building and construction industry as surface coatings; polymer modified waterproofing membrane systems for concrete and masonry surfaces supplied in ready to mix kits; polymer solutions; polymer powders; polymers for use in the manufacture of floor finishes, floor sealers and surface coatings; acrylic polymer modified protective and decorative coating for concrete and masonry; acrylic and cementitious polymer powders for use in the manufacture of coatings; chemical preparations for