Bulletin officiel de la Properiété Intellectuelle (BOPI)

BOPI 05MQ/2023 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 238 hosting the web sites of others; hosting of databases, weblogs, web portals; hosting of platforms on the Internet; hosting computer software applications for others; hosting memory space on the Internet; hosting and rental of memory space for websites; hosting of multimedia and interactive applications; hosting online facilities for conducting interactive discussions; hosting on-line web facilities for others; hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information; hosting of servers; installation and maintenance of computer software; providing temporary use of online applications, software tools and on-line nondownloadable operating software for computer networks and servers; rental of operating software for computer networks and servers; rental of web servers; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable operating software for accessing and using a cloud computing network; providing temporary use of Internet security programs; provision of information and advisory services online on the aforementioned services from a computer database or via the Internet; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; computer security services for protection against illegal network access; IT project management; configuration of computer networks using software; computer systems integration services; computer project management in the field of electronic data processing (EDP); server administration; efficiency, energy conservation and energy management; conducting research and evaluation studies into environmental conservation, natural resources and sustainable energy production; technical services for collecting information from remote energy consumption calculators; consulting and information on consumption of electric energy, gas, power, heat and water; data storage services; information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services. Computer network services; software as a service [SaaS] featuring computer software platforms for artificial intelligence; software as a service [SAAS] services; design of communication systems; consultancy relating to software for communication systems; development of software for communication systems; maintenance of software for communication systems; development of computer platforms; platform as a Service [PaaS]. Class 44 : Healthcare, medical and personal physical, mental and emotional health monitoring, consultancy, information and advisory services; medical aid and medical assistance services; emergency monitoring and assistance services in the medical and healthcare areas; pharmacy consultancy, information and advisory services; beauty consultancy, information and advisory services; consultancy, information and advisory services in relation to nutrition; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to all of the aforementioned services. (540) ORANGE SANTE (731) Orange Brand Services Limited, 3 More London Riverside, LONDON, SE1 2AQ (GB) (740) Ekeme Lysaght SARL, B.P. 6370, YAOUNDÉ (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130284 (210) 3202202264 (220) 22/07/2022 (511) 21, 29, 30 et 31 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 21 : Ustensiles et récipients pour le ménage ou la cuisine ; ustensiles de cuisson et vaisselle, à l'exception de fourchettes, couteaux et cuillères ; peignes et éponges ; brosses, à l'exception des pinceaux ; matériaux pour la brosserie ; matériel de nettoyage ; verre brut ou mi-ouvré, à l'exception du verre de construction ; verrerie, porcelaine et faïence, brosses pour laver la vaisselle, lavettes pour la vaisselle, nécessaires pour pique-niques [vaisselle], services [vaisselle]. Classe 29 : Viande, poisson, volaille et gibier ; extraits de viande ; fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits ; gelées, confitures, compotes ; œufs ; lait et produits laitiers ; huiles et graisses comestibles, bouillons, ail conservé, aliments à base de poisson, aloe vera préparé pour l'alimentation humaine, arachides préparées, beignets aux pommes de terre, beurre d'arachides, concentré de tomates, concentrés [bouillons], concentrés à base de fruits pour la cuisine, concentrés à base de légumes pour la cuisine, dattes, farine de poisson pour l'alimentation humaine, gingembre [confiture], gingembre conservé, gingembre cristallisé, gingembre mariné, graines préparées, jus de citron à usage culinaire, jus de tomates pour la cuisine, jus végétaux pour la cuisine, salades de fruits, salades de légumes. Classe 30 : Café, thé, cacao et succédanés du café; riz, tapioca et sagou; farines et préparations faites de céréales; pain, pâtisseries et confiseries; glaces alimentaires; sucre, miel, sirop de mélasse; levure, poudre pour faire lever; sel; moutarde; vinaigre, sauces (condiments); épices; glace à rafraîchir; assaisonnements, arômes alimentaires, autres