Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI)

BOPI 070MQ/2023 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 263 [publicité] ; consultation pour la direction des affaires ; établissement de déclarations fiscales ; services de dépôts de déclaration fiscale ; diffusion de matériel publicitaire ; études de marché ; services d'expertise en productivité d'entreprise ; gestion administrative externalisée d'entreprises ; mise à disposition d'informations d'affaires ; mise à disposition d'informations et de conseils commerciaux aux consommateurs en matière de choix de produits et de services ; services d'intermédiation commerciale ; services de lobbying commercial ; marketing ciblé ; organisation d'expositions à des fins commerciales ou publicitaires ; promotion des ventes pour des tiers ; renseignements d'affaires ; relations publiques. (540) XA KOOL (731) SOCIETE NOUVELLE DE BOISSONS (SNB) S.A., Quartier Tokoin-Bata, Rue des Hydrocarbures (P/Golfe), 04 B.P. 750, LOME (TG) (740) SCP ELI & PIERRE, 1295, Avenue Pya (Quartier Djidjolé, Immeuble entre le Cabinet médical "Le Sauveur" et le supermarché "La Rochelle", 18 B.P. 276, LOME 18 (TG). __________________________________________ (111) 130862 (210) 3202202730 (220) 20/09/2022 (300) JM n° 86833 du 27/06/2022 (511) 9 et 42 Produits ou services désignés: Class 9 : Computers; computer hardware; integrated circuits; data processors in the nature of semiconductor processors; semiconductor processor chips, semiconductor chips; microprocessors; data processors; central processing units; computer hardware for computing; computer hardware for computing via a global and local network; computer hardware for cloud-computing; computer hardware for low-latency and high bandwidth computing; semiconductor devices; data processing apparatus; computer hardware and downloadable computer software for high performance computing; programmable integrated circuits; integrated circuit layouts; semiconductor memory devices; downloadable computer artificial intelligence software for use in software development and machine learning; downloadable software development kits; downloadable software computer vision development kits; downloadable software featuring technology that enables users to train and deploy deep-learning AI models; downloadable software for use in training AI models for computer vision; downloadable software featuring technology used to incorporate Al with other compatible products; downloadable software used for image processing; downloadable computer software used for document analysis, understanding, imaging, and recognition; downloadable computer software used for data collection, data labeling, model selection and training, model optimization, and deployment; downloadable software featuring technology that enables users to create AI models; downloadable software featuring technology used to train AI models for computer vision; cloud computing apparatus; computer hardware for AI machine learning, learning algorithms, and data analysis; recorded and downloadable software for AI, machine learning, learning algorithms, and data analysis; recorded and downloadable software for use in designing and developing machine learning algorithms, deep neural networks, data analysis, software libraries for use in designing and developing machine learning algorithms and deep neural networks. Class 42 : Computer programming; computer software consultancy; computer software design; computer system design services; computer systems analysis; consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems for others; data conversion of computer programs and data, not physical conversion; installation of computer software; installation and maintenance of computer software; platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for application development, machine instruction sequencing support, and software development support; providing software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for use in developing computer vision; providing software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for training AI models for computer vision; platform as a services (PaaS) services featuring computer software that enables users to train and deploy deep-learning Al models; platform as a services (PaaS) services featuring computer software for use in training Al models for computer vision; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software featuring technology used to incorporate AI with other compatible products; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for image processing, downloadable computer software used for document analysis, understanding, imaging, and recognition;