Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI)

BOPI 070MQ/2023 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 264 providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for data collection, data labeling, model selection and training, model optimization, and deployment; providing temporary use of nondownloadable computer software that enables users to create AI models; providing temporary use of nondownloadable computer software that allows users to train AI models for computer vision; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software, namely, software for image and signal processing, object detection and recognition, threedimensional reconstruction, and motion analysis; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data on training Al models and incorporating Al models into compatible products; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for use in designing and developing machine learning algorithms, deep neural networks, data analysis; providing cloud based computing services in the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence, learning algorithms, and data analysis; cloud - based supercomputing featuring software for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, virtualization, statistical learning, and predictive analytics; image processing software design; developing and managing application software for delivery of multi - media content, images, and data the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, virtualization, statistical learning, and predictive analytics. (540) INTEL GETI (731) Intel Corporation, 2200 Mission College Boulevard, SANTA CLARA, California 95052 (US) (740) S.C.P. AKKUM AKKUM & Associates, Quartier Mballa II, Dragages, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130863 (210) 3202202731 (220) 30/08/2022 (511) 10 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 10 : Chaussures orthopédiques ; vêtements spéciaux pour salles d'opération ; vêtements de compression. (540) (731) Abdulbaki BAKIR, B.P. 5878, NOUAKCHOTT (MR). Couleurs revendiquées: Noir, rouge, gris et blanc. __________________________________________ (111) 130864 (210) 3202202732 (220) 30/08/2022 (511) 25 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 25 : Robes ; voiles (vêtements) ; jupes ; jupons. (540) (731) Abdulbaki BAKIR, B.P. 5878, NOUAKCHOTT (MR). Couleurs revendiquées: Noir, jaune, gris et blanc. __________________________________________ (111) 130865 (210) 3202202734 (220) 19/09/2022 (511) 29 et 30 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 29 : Fruits et légumes conservés, congelés, séchés et cuits ; gelées, confitures, compotes ; lait, fromage, beurre, yaourt et autres produits laitiers ; pommes chips / chips de pomme de terre ; flocons de pommes de terre ; chips de fruits. Classe 30 : chips de pomme de terre enrobées de chocolat ; flocons de maïs / corn flakes / paillettes de maïs ; farines et préparations faites de céréales.