Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI)

BOPI 070MQ/2023 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 273 (731) KT&G Corporation, 71, Beotkkot-gil, Daedeokgu, DAEJEON (KR) (740) AFRIC' INTEL CONSULTING, B.P. 8451, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130894 (210) 3202202785 (220) 27/09/2022 (511) 34 Produits ou services désignés: Class 34 : Tobacco; cigarettes; cigars; snuff; cigarette papers; tobacco pipes, not of precious metal; cigarette filters; cigarette cases, not of precious metal; tobacco pouches; cigarette lighters, not of precious metal; matches; tobacco pipe cleaners; ashtrays for smokers, not of precious metal; cigar cutters. (540) EDGE SILVER (731) KT&G Corporation, 71, Beotkkot-gil, Daedeokgu, DAEJEON (KR) (740) AFRIC' INTEL CONSULTING, B.P. 8451, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130895 (210) 3202202786 (220) 27/09/2022 (511) 34 Produits ou services désignés: Class 34 : Tobacco; cigarettes; cigars; snuff; cigarette papers; tobacco pipes, not of precious metal; cigarette filters; cigarette cases, not of precious metal; tobacco pouches; cigarette lighters, not of precious metal; matches; tobacco pipe cleaners; ashtrays for smokers, not of precious metal; cigar cutters. (540) TIME GOLD (731) KT&G Corporation, 71, Beotkkot-gil, Daedeokgu, DAEJEON (KR) (740) AFRIC'INTEL CONSULTING, B.P. 8451, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130896 (210) 3202202787 (220) 27/09/2022 (511) 34 Produits ou services désignés: Class 34 : Tobacco; cigarettes; cigars; snuff; cigarette papers; tobacco pipes, not of precious metal; cigarette filters; cigarette cases, not of precious metal; tobacco pouches; cigarette lighters, not of precious metal; matches; tobacco pipe cleaners; ashtrays for smokers, not of precious metal; cigar cutters. (540) TIME MENTHOL (731) KT&G Corporation, 71, Beotkkot-gil, Daedeokgu, DAEJEON (KR) (740) AFRIC'INTEL CONSULTING, Essos, Immeuble MAH DONG Véronique, 2è étage, B.P. 8451, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130897 (210) 3202202788 (220) 27/09/2022 (511) 34 Produits ou services désignés: Class 34 : Tobacco; cigarettes; cigars; snuff; cigarette papers; tobacco pipes, not of precious metal; cigarette filters; cigarette cases, not of precious metal; tobacco pouches; cigarette lighters, not of precious metal; matches; tobacco pipe cleaners; ashtrays for smokers, not of precious metal; cigar cutters. (540) TIME RED (731) KT&G Corporation, 71, Beotkkot-gil, Daedeokgu, DAEJEON (KR) (740) AFRIC' INTEL CONSULTING, B.P. 8451, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 130898 (210) 3202202993 (220) 17/10/2022 (511) 35 Produits ou services désignés: Class 35 : Association services, namely, promoting the interests of resource conservationists. (540) BAYKEEPER (731) WATERKEEPER ALLIANCE, 180 Maiden Lane, Suite 603, NEW YORK, New York 10038 (US) (740) Cabinet CAZENAVE SARL, B.P. 500, YAOUNDE (CM).