Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et de services

BOPI 01MQ/2024 DEMANDES DES MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 47 stationery, flysheets, booklets, flyers and leaflets, circulars. (35) National and international accounting services, especially tax declaration procedure services and tax filing services, tax preparations; advisory services relating to business management and business operations, especially with regard to analysis and appraisals of enterprises and affiliation agreements; expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters, furnishing opinions with regard to business management and business operations; tax propriety in the context of tax auditing; financial statement preparation and analysis for business; account and tax auditing by the fiscal authorities in all tax types; tax participation controlling, especially review and controlling of participations for the purposes of developing tax optimizing concepts and proposals. (36) Expert evaluation and reports relating to tax matters (tax conceptions and tax estimations) with regard to federal income tax, trade income tax, turnover tax, wage tax; acquisition and merger operations, especially financial advice relating to the purchase and sale of enterprises as well as participations in enterprises; financial advice relating to retirement provisions. (45) Legal services, legal advice, representation in legal matters. (540) (731) WTS GmbH, Friedenstr. 22, 81671 MÜNCHEN (DE) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), Bastos rue 1.862, B.P. 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées: Red. ________________________________________ (210) 3202302794 (220) 23/08/2023 (511) 5 Produits ou services désignés: (5) Herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, vermicides, rodenticides, weedicides, preparations for killing weeds and destroying vermin. (540) KAROBIZ (731) UPL MAURITIUS LIMITED, 6th Floor, Suite 157B, Harbor Front Building, President John Kennedy Street, PORT LOUIS (MU) (740) Cabinet ISIS CONSEILS (SCP), Bastos, Rue 1.862, BP 15067, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202302795 (220) 24/08/2023 (511) 35 Produits ou services désignés: (35) Advertising, business management, organization and administration; office functions. (540) (731) Ajmal Holdings and Investments Private Limited, 1-Cecil Court, 24-Mahakavi Bhusan Marg, Colaba, MUMBAI 400 005 (IN) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202302796 (220) 24/08/2023 (511) 35 Produits ou services désignés: (35) Advertising, business management, organization and administration; office functions. (540) (731) Ajmal Holdings and Investments Private Limited, 1 - Cecil Court, 24-Mahakavi Bhusan Marg, Colaba, MUMBAI 400 005 (IN)