Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et de services

BOPI 10MQ/2024 DEMANDES DES MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 15 Produits ou services désignés: (4) Piles. (540) ENERGY (731) FRANCO ASIAN ENTERPRISES SINGAPORE PTE LTD, 152 Beach Road #1705/07, Gateway East, SINGAPORE 189721 (SG) (740) Société dite : Cabinet EKANI CONSEILS, B.P. 5852, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202303658 (220) 26/10/2023 (511) 18 Produits ou services désignés: (18) Les bagages et les sacs de transport, par exemple : les valises, les malles, les sacs de voyage, les porte-bébés hamac, les cartables ; les porte-adresse pour bagages ; les porte-cartes de visite et les portefeuilles ; les boîtes et les caisses en cuir ou en carton-cuir. (540) ORMI (731) ORMI SARL, Bonapriso, Cimetière Njo Njo, En Face Banque Atlantique, B.P. 5983, DOUALA (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202303662 (220) 26/10/2023 (300) JM n° 0089513 du 09/05/2023 (511) 9, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42 et 45 Produits ou services désignés: (9) Software; mobile application software; computer hardware; software for social networking and creating and interacting with online communities; software for creating, managing and accessing groups within virtual communities; software development tools; software to enable development, assessment, testing, and maintenance of mobile software applications for portable electronic communication devices, namely, mobile phones, smartphones, handheld computers and computer tablets; software for use as an application programming interface (API); software for organizing events, searching for events, calendaring and managing events; software for creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, indicating sentiment about, commenting on, interacting with, embedding, and sharing or otherwise providing electronic media, images, video, audio, audio-visual content, data, and information via the internet and communication networks; software for finding content and content publishers, and for subscribing to content; software for creating and managing social media profiles and user accounts; interactive photo and video equipment, namely, kiosks for capturing, uploading, editing, printing and sharing digital images and video; software for streaming multimedia entertainment content, audio-visual content, video content, and associated text and data; software for enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data; software for modifying photographs, images and audio, video, and audiovisual content; software for use in taking and editing photographs and recording and editing videos; software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; software for collecting, managing, organizing, modifying, transmitting, synchronizing, and storing data and information; e-commerce software; e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer and communication networks; software and mobile application software providing a virtual marketplace; software for sending and receiving electronic messages, alerts, notifications and reminders; file sharing software; messaging software; search engine software; software for use in creating, managing, measuring, and disseminating advertising of others; advertisement server, namely, a computer server for storing advertisements and delivering advertisements to websites; software for creating, sharing, disseminating and posting advertising; software for geo-location based advertising and product and service promotion; software that enables individuals, groups, companies, and brands to create and maintain an online presence and interact with online communities for marketing purposes; software for integrating electronic data with real world environments for the purposes of entertainment, education, gaming, communicating, and social networking; software for accessing and viewing text, images and electronic data relating to conferences in the field