BOPI 12MQ/2024 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 162 et fleurs naturelles ; bulbes, semis et semences ; animaux vivants ; produits alimentaires et boissons pour animaux ; malt. (540) (731) Ets SEDAMI LA REINE DES CHAMPIGNONS, Ilot : 9.126, 1996, Parcelle G, Maison Aristide SOUDE, Zogbo, COTONOU, 10ème arrondissement (BJ). __________________________________________ (111) 138165 (210) 3202301016 (220) 22/03/2023 (300) US n° 97602451 du 22/09/2022 (511) 1, 5, 9 et 10 Produits ou services désignés: Class 1 : Chemical preparations for industry and research; chemical reagents and biological preparations for diagnosis, other than for medical use; chemical preparations for scientific purposes; reagents and media for control, detection, diagnosis and analysis of contaminants in industrial, agro-food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and environmental products. Class 5 : Reagents and media for medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary diagnostics; laboratory reagents for clinical or medical laboratories; biological preparations for medical or veterinary use. Class 9 : Scientific apparatus and instruments for the control, detection, diagnosis and the analysis of contaminants in industrial, agro-food products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and the environment; scientific apparatus and instruments for analysis and diagnosis, other than for medical use; laboratory instruments for scientific uses; software used to process and interpret the results of laboratory instruments for industrial diagnostics and instruments for in vitro diagnostics. Class 10 : Apparatus and instruments for medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary diagnostics; laboratory instruments for diagnostic purposes. (540) VITEK REVEAL (731) bioMérieux Inc., 515 Colorow Drive, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah 84108 (US) (740) S.C.P. AKKUM AKKUM & Associates,No. 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul 11, Quartier Mbankolo B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). (111) 138166 (210) 3202303894 (220) 15/11/2023 (511) 32 Produits ou services désignés: Class 32 : Beers; non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and aerated waters; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making nonalcoholic beverages. (540) (731) THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, One Coca-Cola Plaza, ATLANTA, GA 30313 (US) (740) S.C.P. AKKUM AKKUM & Associates, No. 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 138167 (210) 3202304005 (220) 24/11/2023 (511) 29 Produits ou services désignés: Class 29 : Milk; powdered milk; milk powder. (540) (731) TIRLÁN LIMITED, Abbey Quarter, KILKENNY, County Kilkenny R95 DXR1 (IE) (740) ALEMBONG Oswald Amin, S/c VON SEIDELS CAMEROON SARL, Suite 516 Commercial Bank Building, Quartier Intendance (adjacent Espace Landmark), B.P. 30188, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées: Shades of blue and grey. __________________________________________ (111) 138168 (210) 3202303797