Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et de services

BOPI 13MQ/2024 DEMANDES DES MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 39 different communicating information or data processing; all aforementioned services in the field of logistic, commercial vehicles and mobility and not for cables, wires, electric conductors and glass fibres as well as their parts and accessories. (39) Tracking of automobile fleets using electronic navigation and locating devices; vehicle rental; Rental of hydrogen vehicles; travel by autonomous vehicles; freight transportation by trucks and autonomous vehicles; providing information regarding autonomous car transportation services and scheduling transportation services via a website. (42) Technical project studies; conducting technical tests and checks, technical measurements and scientific investigations; research and development in the field of technology and mechanical engineering; installation of software; configuring computer networks by means of software; material testing and quality control; design and development of computer hardware and software, computer programming, in particular troubleshooting; technical consultancy regarding the application of EDP installations and programmes in the field of engineering; engineering services; conducting of technical analyses for monitoring fuel consumption; installation and maintenance of software for toll logging and toll billing apparatus; design and development of vehicles; hosting of computer sites (websites); software as a service [SaaS]; rental of software; cloud computing; scientific and technological services and research, in particular in the fields of communications between road users, both intercommunications, and communications with the road traffic infrastructure, in particular vehicle- vehicle communications and vehicle-infrastructure communications; mapping services, in particular mapping of logistic and transport orders; design, creation, hosting and maintenance of Internet sites for third parties; managing websites for others; research in the field of hydrogen fuel cells; the above-mentioned services exclusively for the field of logistics, commercial vehicles and mobility and not for cables, wires, electric conductors and glass fibres as well as their parts and accessories. (540) TRATON (731) TRATON SE, Hanauer Str. 26, 80992 MÜNCHEN (DE) (740) SPOOR & FISHER Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS SARL,The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, P.O. Box 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202400672 (220) 29/02/2024 (511) 36 Produits ou services désignés: (36) Services financiers, monétaires et bancaires ; services d'assurance ; services de biens immobiliers ; émission de cartes de crédit ; estimations financières [assurances, banques, immobilier] ; estimations financières des coûts de réparation ; évaluation financière d'actifs de propriété intellectuelle ; évaluation financière de coûts de développement relative aux industries pétrolière, gazière et minière ; évaluations financières pour répondre à des appels d'offres ; gestion financière ; gestion financière de paiements de remboursements pour des tiers ; investissement de capitaux ; opérations de change ; courtage d'actions et d'obligations ; courtage de valeurs boursières ; parrainage financier ; placement de fonds ; prêt sur gage ; prêt sur nantissement ; prêts [financement] ; recherches financières ; services bancaires ; services bancaires en ligne ; services bancaires en ligne fournis dans des environnements virtuels ; services d'administration de réclamations au titre de la garantie ; services d'agences de crédit ; services de banque mobile ; services de biens immobiliers ; services de financement ; services de liquidation d'entreprises [affaires financières] ; services de paiement par porte-monnaie électronique ; services fiduciaires. (540) (731) WAVE Intellectual Property Inc., Street dba Wave, 100 Hano Street Suite 9, BOSTON, Massachussets, 02134 (US)