Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et de services

BOPI 04MQ/2024 MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 270 software for creating and managing electronic wallets; non-downloadable software for digital currency payment and exchange transactions; non downloadable software for managing and validating transactions involving digital assets, digital tokens, crypto-tokens, utility tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), digital collectives, crypto collectives, cryptocurrencies, digital currencies and virtual currencies; non-downloadable electronic payment processing software; non-downloadable game software; non-downloadable virtual reality software; non-downloadable software for creating NFTs ; nondownloadable software for managing and verifying transactions on a blockchain; non-downloadable software for game development; non-downloadable gaming software development tools; nondownloadable blockchain gaming software; nondownloadable software for cryptocurrency mining; non- downloadable software for cryptocurrency farming; non-downloadable software for arranging and conducting auctions; non-downloadable software for voting; non-downloadable software for social networking; non-downloadable software development tools; non-downloadable software for creating, managing, and interacting with an online community; non-downloadable software for creating, managing and accessing groups within virtual communities; nondownloadable file sharing software; nondownloadable communications software; non- downloadable software for sending and receiving electronic messages, graphics, images, audio and audio Visual content via the internet and communication networks; non-downloadable software for creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, indicating sentiment about, commenting on, voting on, embedding, transmitting, and sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information via computer and communication networks; non-downloadable software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; non-downloadable software for the collection, managing, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, sharing, and storage of data and information; non-downloadable software for transmitting, sharing, receiving, downloading, displaying, interacting with and transferring content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; non-downloadable e- commerce software; nondownloadable e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer the internet and communication networks; non-downloadable software for processing electronic transactions; non-downloadable software for organizing, searching for and managing events; nondownloadable software for creating accounts and maintaining and managing information about financial transactions on distributed ledgers and peer to peer payment networks; non-downloadable software for use in financial trading; non-downloadable software for use in financial exchange; non-downloadable software for providing authentication of parties to a financial transaction; software for maintaining ledgers for financial transactions; non-downloadable software for the management of cryptographic security of electronic transmissions across computer networks; non downloadable software for encrypting and enabling secure transmission of digital information over the Internet; non-downloadable software for currency conversion. Class 43 : Restaurant services; bar services; hotel services. Class 45 : Online social networking services; providing authentication services for personal identification information; identity verification services; data and information security services; providing an online community for buying, selling, trading, and discussing and exchanging information about digital assets, digital tokens, crypto-tokens, utility tokens, nonfungible tokens (NFTs), digital collectives, cryptocollectibles, cryptocurrencies, digital currencies and virtual currencies. (540) APECOIN (731) APE FOUNDATION,Whitehall Chambers, 2nd Floor Whitehall House, 238 North Church Street, P.O. Box 31489, KY1-1206, GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman (KY) (740) Cabinet BONNY et Associés, B.P. 869, YAOUNDE (CM). __________________________________________ (111) 135863 (210) 3202202094 (220) 22/07/2022 (511) 1 et 9 Produits ou services désignés: Classe 1 : Acide destinée aux batteries d’accumulateurs ; eau distillée destinée aux batteries d'accumulateurs. Classe 9 : Accumulateurs électriques pour le