Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et de services

BOPI 05MQ/2025 DEMANDES DES MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 22 (731) PepsiCo, Inc., 700 Anderson Hill Road, PURCHASE, New York 10577 (US) (740) SPOOR & FISHER (Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS SARL), The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). ________________________________________ (210) 3202404707 (220) 31/12/2024 (300) MU n° No: MU/M/2024/40893 du 27/11/2024 (511) 29, 30 et 32 Produits ou services désignés: (29) Potato-based snack foods; potato chips; soybascd snack foods; vegetablebased snack foods; vegetable chip ; vegetable-bascd spreads; vegetablebased dips; nut-based snack foods; nuts; fru it-based snack foods; fruitbased snack ba rs; plantain chips; seeds,; meat-based snack foods; legumebased snack foods; legume-based spreads; legumebased dips; hummus; dairy-based dips; cheese-based snack foods; snack mixes consisting of fruits and nuts; snack foods consisting primarily of prepared fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, or any combination thereof. (30) Grain-based snack foods; multigrain-ba ed snack foods; snack foods made from corn; puffed corn snacks; popcorn; corn chips; tortilla chips; snack foods made from cereals; preparations made from cereals; cereal-based snack ba rs; breakfast cereals; granola; ricebased snack foods; flour-based snack foods; flour based chips; crackers; pretzcls; pita chips; pa ncakes; oats based foods; oats; oat based beverages; prepa red rice; rice chips; rice cakes; rice crackers; snack foods consisting principally of bread; bagel chips; sa uces; salsas; cookies; biscuits; pasta products; snack foodsconsisting primarily of products made from grains, corn, cereal, or any corn bination thereof; confectionery made of sugar; syrup; pan cake syru p; maple syrup; topping syrup; flavorings for bevcrages, other than essential oils; frozen confections. (32) Non-alcoholic beverages; minerai and aerated waters; fruit beverages and fruit juices; smoothies; syrups, powders and other preparations for ma king non-a lcoholic beverages; soft drinks; ready to drink tea; ready to drink coffee; iced tea; energy drin ks; sports drinks; isotonie drinks; d rinking waters, flavo red waters; non-alcoholic frozen flavored beverages. (540) (731) PepsiCo, Inc., 700 Anderson Hill Road, PURCHASE, New York 10577 (US) (740) SPOOR & FISHER (Inc. NGWAFOR & PARTNERS SARL), The House of Gideon, Golf/Bastos Quarters, Opposite The American Embassy, Entrance-Saint John Paul II Boulevard, B.P. 8211, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées: White, yellow, light blue, light green, dark green and dark blue. ________________________________________ (210) 3202404708 (220) 31/12/2024 (511) 34 Produits ou services désignés: (34) Cigarettes; tobacco, raw or manufactured; roll your own tobacco; pipe tobacco; tobacco products; tobacco substitutcs (not for medical purposes); cigars; cigarillos; cigarette lighters for smokers; cigar lighters for smokc1·s; matches; smokers' articles; cigarette papcr; cigarette tubes; cigarette filters; pockct apparatus for rolling cigarettes; hand held machines for inj ecl ing tobacco into paper tubes; elcctronic cigarettes; liquids for elcctronic cigarettes; tobacco prod ucls for the purposc of bcing hcated; clectronic dcvices and thcir pa1·ts for the purpose of heating tobacco.