Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) des Marques de produits et de services

BOPI 05MQ/2025 DEMANDES DES MARQUES REGIONALES DE PRODUITS ET DE SERVICES SELON L’ACCORD DE BANGUI, ACTE DE 2015 38 llsh meal for human consomption; fruits; potato fritters; salted fîsh; sea-cucumbers; silkworm chrysalis for human consumption; sausages in batter; potato flakes; apple purée; cranberry compote; tahini; hummus; laver; fruit-based snack food; curd; kimchi;soya milk milk shalce.s: preserved pepi)ei's; stinflower seeds; iish mousses; non-alcoholic eggnog; vegelable mousses; Tish roe; seeds; prepured*; atoe vera prepared far human cousumption; prcscrvcd garlic; albumin milk; linseed oit for food: low-fat potato crisps; lecithin far culinaiy puiposes: milk ferments for culinary purposes; compotes; condcnscd milk; smclana; fcrmcntcd bakcd milk; sourcd milk; lomalo pasic; vcgctabic marrow pasic; aubergine paste; pcunut milk for culinary purposcs; alinond milk for culinary purposes; rice milk; artichokcs; airangemenls of processed fruit; powdered milk*. yakitori; bulgogi; candied nuls; flavoured nuls; hazelnuts; berries; guacamole; onion rings; falafel; lemon juice for culinary purposes frcczc-dricd meat; oai milk; vegetablebased creain; freezc-dried vcgctablcs; extra virgin olive oil for food; edible ani larvac: cdiblc insccts; sweet com; processed; nul-based spreads: pot.ito-based dumplings; bot dog sausages; com dogs; soya bean oil for food; milk siibstitules; almond milk; peanut milk;coconul milk; coconui milk for culinary purposes; coconul milk-based beverages; rice milk for culinary purposes: almond milk-based bcvcragcs; peanut milk-based bcvcragcs; sausage casings; natural or artitïcial; klipfish [saltcd and dricd cod]: cottage chcesc frittcrs; prcsscd fruit paste; cofu skin; soya patries; lolù paities; tajine [prepared meat; fish or vegetable fish]; tempch; satay; ratatouille; duck confits; andouilleltes; white pudding: cassoulet; choucroute garnie; hash browns; omelettes; cabbage rolls slulTed with meat; vegetable-based concemrate for cooking; frtiil-based concentrate for cooking; vegetablebased spreads; agar-agar for culinary puiposes; molluses; quark; cottage cheese; laciic acid drinks; edible flowers; ciystallized ginger; ginger; pickled ginger; Meat; poulery and gaine and prey; preserved and canned meat and meat extracts; frozen; dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; Jellies; pre.served food; qamar al-din; and edible fats; eggs; yogurt and other milk producis; powder milk; Oils: edible hydrogenatcd oils; vegetable butter; Potato and potato chips; frozen bars of potato; roasted crackers; dates (stufTed and packaged); Potato chips; Preserving and canning meat and manufacturing its derivatives; Mortadella (canned meat); (canned meat); Preserved and canned legumes; Al Makdous; Soups; Meat exiiacts and cliicken stock; Coffee creamer; Preserved foods (Masbaha - Mutabal - Baba Ghanouj - Yalanji). (540) (731) BASSEL ALRAYES, Daraa Governorate (SY) (740) SCP GLOBAL AFRICA IP, Base Buns, Mvog Betsi, (Sise Nouveau Marché), P.O. Box 3694, DOUALA (CM) Couleurs revendiquées: Red, white, orange, black, brown. ________________________________________ (210) 3202500021 (220) 03/01/2025 (511) 3 Produits ou services désignés: (3) Non-medicated toothpaste; non-medicated mouthwash. (540) (731) COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY, 300 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (US) (740) S.C.P. AKKUM, AKKUM & Associates, No. 1777, Rue 6.261, Auditorium Jean Paul II, Quartier Mbankolo, B.P. 4966, YAOUNDE (CM). Couleurs revendiquées: Red, white, black, grey and green