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Joint Commission OAPI-ARIPO: strengthening cooperation links (ties)

The fifth Session of the OAPI-ARIPO Joint Commission was held at the Headquarters of ARIPO in Harare, Zimbabwe, on the 25 July 2019. The meeting was jointly opened by the two Directors General of OAPI and ARIPO in the presence of Experts from the two Organizations, and the Session was chaired by the Director General of ARIPO, Mr Fernando DOS SANTOS.

The two Organizations made brief presentations on updates in their respective systems which covered legal and institutional framework, engagement of Member States on policy issues, infrastructure, ICT, capacity building, cooperation, awareness raising and industrial property filing statistics. Issues relating to the Continental strategy on Geographical Indications in Africa, enhancing capacities of African negotiators in WIPO Committees, among others were discussed.

The Joint Commission considered the work plan 2019-2020 and adopted a revised version that was signed by the two Directors General.

The 5th Session of OAPI-ARIPO Joint Commission ended on a satisfactory note.

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